Dispite the flashy topic name, I don’t actually have much to say on the topic. An experienced LDer and a good friend of mine, Andy, has been telling me about his LD world. He dreams about my imaginary friend as well as his all the time. My imaginary friend is Argitoth, the Lizard (like a humanoid lizard in fantasy games). Note, I created Argitoth as a mythical character long before I knew Andy, but I never thought of Argitoth as my imaginary friend. After hearing Andy’s dreams, I now think of Argitoth as an imaginary friend (or more accurately, the dream character). These LDs are extremely complex and detailed, and furthermore strangely coincidental in many cases, as if there is a sharing of minds between us.
To give you the crucial details of these dreams, Mind Heaven used to be a place where imaginary friends used to live. It was heaven-like, beautiful and bright, but because of evil imaginary friends, Mind Heaven was attacked and now lies in ruins. With the help of my imaginary friend Argitoth and his imaginary friend W, Andy is training to become a powerful weilder of magic and special powers ranging from summoning to pulling light sabers from his thoughts. Recently he told me that W told him to stop training until I meet up with Argitoth and start training. Argitoth told Andy that we desparately needs more humans. They need me. For a while now I’ve wanted to get in on the action. Last night I tried to do just that.
After a long and tedius normal dream, I entered lucidity just by chance and said, “Argitoth! I am here!” Now here’s the key thing that may help some of you:
I believe that if you are having trouble to make someone specific appear, you should first practice on making “a nobody” appear with a moral desire. I can say this is the first time that a dream character actually appeared and was completely there as if in real life. This has never happened for me before on command. So, as you have read, Argitoth did not appear. I believe this lucid dream was completely for the sake of future lucid dreams.
So what does any of this have to do with shared dreams? The person who appeared on command I will call my trainer. Skipping most of the dream (which is blurry due to not practicing dream recall), we used small boxes (like packaging boxes) to teleport to different places. I asked my trainer, “Hey, these boxes, what are they?” My trainer said, “Oh, you should ask Andy about it.”
I spoke to Andy this morning over the phone and I asked him about these boxes used to teleport to different places. He told me he saw these boxes in Mind Heaven before it was destroyed. He said he pretty much ingored these boxes while dreaming because he didn’t know what they were for and there were other more interesting things to learn about in Mind Heaven. He figured the boxes were regular packaging boxes. He said he did notice people getting sucked into them, most likely teleporting.
So finally, I will get to the point.
Shared dreams do not have to be real-time! Find a good LD friend, together create your world. Share your dreams with this person whenever you have a dream about the world. Let your world develop on its own. When you do this, your worlds will always be in sync. Not only will this help you focus on LD goals, you will have the mindset and belief to make things happen. It will be a lot of fun. I am just beginning to experience this.
Can we call this new concept Shared Worlds? Maybe some of you can confirm this sort of finding. I’ll update my experience when I can. I intend to meet my imaginary friend, Argitoth, next time I’m lucid.