I dreamt that I was at Stanford University, at the Lucidity Institute!!! I went into the Lucid building, went to the cafe and heard a talk about the Lucidity Institute. I said that I really like it here and I want to stay longer.
Despite that, I didn’t become Lucid. I couldn’t believe it when I woke up, probably the most obvious hint possible!
Perhaps this means I’m getting closer. I’m enquiring about hypnosis so I should be able to have a proper LD soon.
i hate how “unconscious” we are when we are, well unconscious… i’ve had those dreams as well, you just can’t believe you didn’t question reality. good luck getting the LD’s rolling Oliver, hope you get it soon!
Yeah, I had a few very close calls similair to that, like I was talking with Stephen LaBerge. Sometimes I even saw that the digits on my watch were moving and thought it was just messed up, or I turned on the light and it didn’t go on. Very annoying
It feels like sometimes they’re just trying to see how obvious hints they can give before we realize it’s dream. And then they laugh.
I once did some weird drug in a dream, which changed some minor details all around me (like, my door didn’t read what it was supposed to, my grandma started swearing, etc.). So I thought to myself that I have to write about this experience to my LD journal, since it’s so similar to a dream, even though obviously not one.
Another time I awoke from a fantastic LD and was just dying to type it all down in my journal before I forget it. So I got my journal and noticed that I had already written the earlier, non-lucid dreams from tonight in it, even tho I hadn’t woken up during the night. And, even though the environment was filled with other bizarre, little, out-of-the-ordinary hints, I didn’t realize I was in an FA before I woke up to, well, what turned out to be another FA.