A really weird awakening


Im new in the lucidity world, I read about it a week ago and I found it very interesting so Im trying to success it using WILD technique, anyway I had a strange dream experience which I would like to share with you and listen what you have to say about it.

The dream started as me and my cousin going inside in a net cafe. As we enter we face the owner and he told us to be quiet, we walk inside to computers where was also 1 more guy(little kid) playing games, my cousin knew him and greeted him. After sitting on two computers,few seconds later this kid came to me and asked me to let him search something at internet from my computer because he was out of time and money. My cousin told me “Lets help him out, its gonna take just 2 minutes”. I said ok and we all sit next to my computer. I let the kid to use the computer but he started playing games so I told him, “Just tell me what you want to search about and I will do it for you”. For some reasons I couldn’t even use the computer, it was really weird and the kid told me “Leave it, you have no idea how to use a computer”. I was pissed and pushed the kid away, and told him “Im trying to help you and you are being ungrateful and impatient?”. Then the owner of the net cafe who told us to be quiet came to me and told me “Didn’t I ask you to be quiet?” Then he grab me from the neck and throw me on the floor. I remember that I was in very uncomfortable situation and I couldn’t do anything or even move. We stayed in that potition for many seconds without moving or doing anything both of us. Then I suddenly said “Ok enough,it is time to wake up”, then I tryed to spin in my self and openned my eyes, I was in bed but in Sleep Paralise, and here is the question,
Since I wasn’t lucid, I didnt try WILD , MILD or anything it was a ND after 2 hours of sleep and I didn’t realise that it was a dream, why I sudenly said “ok enough, it is time to wake up” and I woke up in bed in sleep paralise? weird huh? ^^ The dream was so real and I remember every single detail of it even if its 3 days ago.

Haha, that was indeed odd but it happens to many people. I’m guessing you’ve been very interested and have a lot of LD related things on your mind? That’s probably the reason. Those interests just gets transferred into your dreams, just like how the things in your daily life appears in your ND. What you had is called FLD, where you weren’t actually conscious in the dream but it appeared like you were. When I started LD I had a few of these. In my opinion, its a sign that you’re on the right track and almost there. :content:

Good luck! & Welcome to the forums ~

Oh good to know, just this kind of dream I had it seems very interesting to me and yes since I learned about lucid dreaming I have read a lot of things about it and trying to success it because I find it very interesting, thanks for info.