im not trying to get ahead of myself or anything, but i was just curious, how likely is it to find someone close to you in a lucid dream without agreeing to do it in advance? say 2 particular people are deeply spiritually connected beyond description, but havent seen each other a lot in a few months.
i did it with my friend, he doesn’t rememebr it, but i got him to contact me.
i think we both were really connected and thinking at the same time like “man i haven’t talked to him in a while” though.
from the shared dream that i had, it was not planed. i was not lucid at the start of the dream but then i was later and found her there was a connection that i have felt in my mind only with her. how likely it is? i am not sure about that, i have done it twice… in 4 years. well twice that i have confermed anywayz i could have done it many more times and just nva asked
randomly i don’t think it’s that likely. If you intent is to do so with out first telling they other person then it is increased.
One theory is that the world of dreaming exsists outside of our understanding of time (hence the month/year long dreams some people have in a few hours) that one can effectively have a shared dream without the 2 participants being asleep at the same time.
If you are truely connected to this person as you say then it should be possible although still may not be easy. Good luck.
you know, i’m not sure what to make of this, but it’s VERY hard to find my teacher, i’ve only had one success in a month and, i never said anything to her.
I’m wondering if maybe shared dreaming is real, because, if she teaches summer claseses, she’ll be awake when I’m trying to contact her (like 10 a.m. and later, usually, the way I sleep) and so, it wouldn’t work and she’d be hard to find.
okay thank you all for responding, this gives me great hope.