My Hero
My hero is a scientist, a pioneer, an author, a teacher, and an expert oneironaut (Explorer of the dream world); his name is Dr. Stephen LaBerge. Have you ever had a dream where you are walking down the street where you grew up, strolling along taking in the scenery when all of a sudden a large round pink elephant wearing a bright yellow and red pokadot cone hat runs by? Odd eh? But you don’t pay much attention and keep walking. Well, when was the last time during a dream like that you said, “Hey, there is no such thing as pink elephants!! Hey wait a minute, I MUST BE DREAMING!” You become amazed at the clarity of your surroundings and you feel a freedom you’ve never felt before because you now realize you’re dreaming! You are fully conscious now. All of your surrounding seem ultra realistic, and you have control over all your senses, but you know your in a dream world, you are having a “Lucid Dream”! After you’re lucid you have limitless control over your dream world!
You are probably reading this still not fully understanding what I mean when I say lucid dream, and this is why Stephen LaBerge is my hero. His work most of his life has been dedicated to the theory and science of a phenomenon known as lucid dreaming.
He is the first scientist to prove through scientific means that lucid dreaming really existed and because of his findings now is accepted throughout the world as something that can be measured and proven, learned and practiced as well. Until recently the western civilization has sadly and unwisely flagged dreams as being nonsense, nothing more than meaningless unconscious cognitive processes that occur during sleep which deserve little attention and mean nothing. LaBerge is still trying to educate the western world about lucid dreaming through various means, backed up with solid evidence and world acceptance that lucid dreaming is real. This solid evidence is the thing the west and many area’s around the world needed to re think previous prejudices about dreaming, and it won’t be long before dreaming is a highly marketable practice and science, and becomes a popular trend.
I think dreaming will in one day, far from now, be taught even before you can speak, and dream education will continue through elementary and high school because the ability to lucid dream opens up a world to people that is so power and awesome it’s hard to put into words on a short essay. I think this social change will occur partly because of the work Stephen LaBerge did to prove lucid dreaming existed, and also because of the efforts he puts forth even to this day through his books, web sites, his on going lectures and dream seminars held in Hawaii every year, and through his ‘Nova Dreamer’, a device that helps to induce lucid dreaming. I admire everything he has done, and I also admire the fact he is an expert lucid dreaming who can lucid dream at will. In my best times I’ve only been able to reach about 6 a week, and calling upon them at will was never really reached, although I did see some control over that, and still strive for that today.
I invite you the reader to learn more about Dr. Stephen LaBerge and lucid dreaming by going to There you can find more information about Stephen LaBerge’s book and much more information about lucid dreaming. My purpose of this essay was not to teach you about lucid dreaming, but to give you insight as to why I hold Dr. Stephen LaBerge in such high regard. If lucid dreaming doesn’t change the world or our society, it has forever changed me and my family, and my future family to come. Thanks Stephen LaBerge!
Now this is a reason we have needed to invite LaBerge here.Pasquale,have you thought about that?
LLV- you should come see us on chat more often and defnately post more:)
Thanks Jack, I’ll be trying to post more believe me. I just realized that in the last few days I barely thought about lucid dreaming. WHAT A WASTE. I forgot how hard it is to keep on with lucid dreaming stuff while you work and do school. Well, thats because I never did work and school at the same time before hehe, but yea, I’m going to have to make a ‘concious’ effort to work on my ld’ing! Im in ‘ant mode’ lately I swear…I need to WAKE UP!
Sorry the Essay came out like that…after i pasted it from word all the paragraphs were taken out.
Pasquale = my hero too