I’m guessing most people have heard about that buzz technique. The one I also use to have WILDs. Almost everyone or everyone has a constant buzz or ringing in their ears. Some so quiet it can’t be heard unless your area is completely quiet. Some so loud they can always hear it. For thoughs of you that don’t know that isn’t the same as tinnitus. Tinnitus isn’t a disease. But could be the sign of a very serious illness, even deafness. The buzzing they have can be a little loud. Or it can even be like you’re next to a speeding train. Making it where it’s very hard to lead a normal life. Anyways I’ve come up with something better. It may take a long time to be able to do it but once you’ve really got it, it should be great for WILDs. You know that funny sensation when you get in your nose when you put a pencil in between your eyes. If you don’t know then try it. It’s possible to create that sensation without putting anything up to your face. All you have to do is concentrate on your nose and just try to get that feeling. So practice on that while in the bed or even at your computer. Compared to putting a pencil up to your face in between your eyes, the sensation of just concentrating on it is very intense. Even after you stop thinking about it the sensation remains. Making it great for WILDs. Because if your mind goes somewhere else it’s not hard to think about the sensation again if it’s still there. It’s not painful or anything. It’s better than the buzz because it’s actually a feeling. Which I think makes it easier to concentrate on than a sound. Because it’s more apart of your body than a sound. Anyway, give it a try. I did this while I was over a friends house at night. Just concentrating on it. So I believe it should work for anyone if they try. Tell me if this works for you. I’ll just be glad if this helps anyone. If mastered this can be very very helpful
Are you saying this technique has worked for you?
No. Actually I haven’t even tried it for a WILD. But I’m just saying I have gotten that sensation just by concentrating on it. So I’m guessing if someone practices enough they can do it anytime they want to. After they wake up for example. And just keep your mind on the sensation untill you fall asleep. That would be very helpful don’t you think? But very soon I am going to practice on my new technique. Since I’ve already made that sensation I know it’s already possible. So using it to try having a WILD should be very possible too. It’s a very strange sensation though. Even if you don’t try it to have a WILD, just try it. It’s a very strange feeling. And if it stays after you stop concentrating on it. Don’t worry. It will go away after 30 seconds or so.
Well,must say ive heard about it a lot and after many many tries never heard anything…nothing at all:(
Any tips to get it?
Well Jack. Do you mean My buzz or the nose thing. You don’t hear the Nose thing you feel it. And you hear the buzz. If you’re talking about the buzz you should be able to hear it if it’s very quiet. If you can’t then I suppose you just don’t. I guess everyone really don’t hear it. And about the nose thing. Try to do it when you’re in the bed ready to sleep. That’s when I did it. Or atleast try to do it when you have spare time. Well all you have to do is concentrate on it. I suppose to should get a pencil and put it up to your face in between your eyes and look at the pencil. You should feel it. If you do just put the pencil down and concentrate on making your nose make that feeling. Or you can keep the pencil up to your nose and just concentrate on that feeling and making it stronger/more intense. But as I said it’s not painful. Just trange.
Strange you should mention this sensation - I was concentrating on it as I fell asleep last night. I get it without the aid of a pencil and it can feel as strong as if someone is actually pushing something against my forehead.
I didn’t have any lds but concentrating on the sensation got me as far as hearing hypnogogic sounds before I lost consciousness (it was really the wrong time to be trying it as I was nowhere near REM sleep).
Sounds like it could be worthwhile persuing.
I dont know what to say…i guess im kinda either disabled or something.Id love to feel the sensation you meantioned and it really sounds easy…but somehow,whatever i do(tried last night) all i get is just tired hand of holding damn pencil.
Sorry being difficul,just no idea what sensation you mean…or maybe this is my concentration disability?
LOL, I don’t feel anything myself… guess this is not a “universal” sensation?
I THINK I know what feeling you mean. I don’t get it with a pencil between my eyes however.
Is it the same feeling as if I was about to stick a needle (or something similar) in my cheek? I can feel that on other places in my face too…
Is that what you mean?
By any chance do you mean going cross-eyed? I can feel something when i do this, but nothing when i just put something there.
sorry for not saying that. You should put whatever object up to your face close to your nose and look at it and of coarse you’ll go cross eyed. Like sleepyhead said, the sensation can be pretty strong, but not painful. If it doesn’t work just keep trying you should be able to do it. But just going cross eyed doesn’t give the same feeling if you don’t have something close to your nose. You don’t have to go cross eyed either. Just have something close to your nose and between your eyes.
It work for me. Oh well, guess it doesn’t work for everyone.
so can you do it just by concentrating on your nose alex? Or do you need to have something up to your face to look at. If you did it by concentrating you should’ve felt a very strong feeling in your nose.
The strong sensation you feel is called ‘squinting’. It is the strain
you are putting on your eyes. This technique is valid though.
Basically, you are stimulating the anja chakra (i.e. the 3rd eye).
Why not move your eyes a little higher to the ridge between your
eyebrows, then you WILL be recreating the feeling you get when you
hold the pencil between them. I suggest that this method works
because you are indirectly stimulating your third eye.
but I don’t have to move my eyes though. I just concentrate on my nose. So the feeling is from the strain from my eyes. So how come when I put a pencil or whatever very sharp and pointy object up to my eyes I still get that feeling in my nose even when I’m not even moving my eyes? I first found about the third eye chakra thing earlier today. I am gonna get some more info about it now.