A simple question !

If you stand in front of a mirror and yawn you will be seeing yourself yawn, will it work in the above way and put you and the mirror into a yawning cycle lol

  • yes
  • no

0 voters

hey all,
This has been on my min for a week or so,
as everyone knows i guess, if you see someone yawn you do, or visa-versa,
and also today i realised if you and a dog have eye contact and they yawn to haha :cool:
But when i see people yawn it doesnt make me yawn so i cant awnsor this

If you stand in front of a mirror and yawn you will be seeing yourself yawn, will it work in the above way and put you and the mirror into a yawning cycle lol

if you see someone has awnsored no or yes, can you try then awnsor anyway, as if it does work it may not work for some

hope to hear soon :smile:

I’ve made it into a poll now. So if you reply please add more than just yes or no in your answer :tongue:

I don’t think so, I’ve never tried it though. :neutral:
I’m so going to try it some day :tongue:

I think if it happened, it would only make you yawn once.

Yawns are contagious
If that’s what your asking.

no im saying i know they are contagiouse, so if you yawned into a mirror, you would see someone(youself yawning, so would it make you yawn again, and put you in a cycle ?

Cheers moogle, you have been a great help today

I voted ‘No’ as I doubt that you would be put in a neverending cycle of yawning… :tongue: I think once you have ‘satisfied’ as such, the urge to yawn, you don’t need to again. Perhaps. I don’t know for sure, but, hmm, I’ll try to find out. Goodness, just talking about yawning is making me yawn!
It’s similar to when somebody talks about scratching and itching and fleas and things, you almost automatically start to itch, or feel like you need to scratch.

Well, this whole poll depends on the assumption that yawning is, in fact, contagious. I don’t think it is. It’s not the yawning that is contagious - it’s the thinking about yawning that makes you want to yawn, not the yawn itself. I mean, people can yawn around you all day, but it won’t affect you unless you actually notice it. There’s a whole Mythbusters episode devoted to it. :razz:

The mythbusters did do an episode on this, and they deemed it plausible because their subjects where not thinking about it and when the crew yawned, after a while they all began yawning at the same time.