A slightly different MILD

Well, I have always had problems with MILDing not working for me, nor WILD or any technique out there, but this one has worked.

Well, it’s basically MILD, without mantras, it has worked 80% of the times I have used it, for different purposes, such as waking up early.

Basically it consists on concentrating on the thought of having a lucid dream and letting your thoughts flow, but you must not drift away from the line of thinking, concentrate well on lucid dreaming, and let whatever comes to your mind do the job for you, the images of you inside the dream, a part of a mantra, you falling from the bed into the dream, etc. But you must concentrate on lucid dreaming and nothing else. If you are concentrating as much as I told you to, it will be hard if not impossible to sleep while in the state, so when you think the idea will continue flowing this way even when you stop concentrating on it, stop, and just relax to sleep, try not to think too much, just think about lucid dreaming without forcing yourself this time. It didn’t work for me in the first time but it did in the second, the third, and the fourth time I did it.

Ah, it seems like an advanced form of autosuggestion. Rather than rely on repetition to get an intention through, you concentrate solely on the intention itself. I actually do this from time to time and it works well, if I have just the right conditions for me to concentrate well enough :razz:

It does work really well, but minecraft is making it way harder for me to concentrate :silent: