A slightly different WILD that i tried last night

Ive been trying to WILD every night for the last couple weeks. So far i’ve only had 2 DILDs. Last night i changed my WILD technique slightly, and i think it was an improvement.

Instead of my usual style of concentrating on my breating, and counting at each exhalation, i tried changing my breathing pattern slightly. I usually inhale and exhale in pattern similar to a sin curve. Last night i breathed naturally except after inhaling each time i would pause. I didnt count, instead focusing my attention on the pause.

Usually i need earplugs to stop the traffic outside from disturbing my WILDs, but with this method i did not even notice it.

I got to some really strong HI, complete paralysis, intense vibrations, and i felt like i was levitating and sinking. I also felt dissociated from my body.

It was a very pleasant feeling. I think at this point i felt myself almost being pulled into a dream. Unfortunately i didnt follow through. It may have been because i was thinking about the feeling instead of just going with it.

Ill try the breathing thing again tonight and ill post my results tomorrow.

Pleasant dreams chaps.

Sounds very good. I agree that you were still probably still focusing too much on the breathing when you were at the point where you could enter a dream. That is one of the things you have to learn with WILD, how much to focus on what when to get into a dream. :smile: