A sudden Overload of some sort

Okay, so last night I was listening to a Hypnotic Lucid Dreaming .mp3, provided by Ranma at

[code]Hypnosis induced Lucid dream. free mp3]
So halfway through, I was told to visualize…something, my attention kept coming in and out at that point. So I tried to visualize something for a second, and a green tinted picture of a church flashed. From where I saw, it was in the back of a church. It looked like the front to back spanned over about a hundred feet, and it had a sort of light green covering over it, like it was in high contrast or something. The second I saw this and tried to comprehend what the picture was about, it snapped out of my head, and my arm twitched, and it threw me out of sleep paralysis. I immediately thought this was some sort of “overload”, that I couldnt handle.

Has anyone experienced this before?

It wasn’t an overload. You just kinda focussed to hard on it. It happens every now and then with me. You just got to take it a little easier.

I had something similar to that. I was trying to WILD and I felt the SP quick in and I tried visualizing me walking up steps. Out of nowhere my left arm twitched up and I woke up. :sad:

yeah thats what happened

Yea, I don’t know why that happens but it isn’t cool. Anyone know why it happened?

yea sometimes ill get like a 1 second vision in my head and i might twitch or something.