I’ve been testing all sorts of techniques to get a LD for a while and occasionally thinking up new ones. A friend came up with this one. Before falling asleep, close your eyes and imagine a giant pyramid right infront of you (my pyramids usually look like the ones in Egypt). Focus on the image and when it is clear enough, imagine that someone is writing on the ‘walls’ of the pyramid, starting from the top. When I did this, I saw the sentence ‘‘I will have a lucid dream’’ in red letters, I imagined that the sentence is written letter by letter until one row is full, then I turned the pyramid so that the sentence would appear on each side of the it. When all 4 sides were full, the writing would start to go downward. It’s hard to describe but I guess it’s like the technique were one is supposed to imagine going down stairs and counting the steps. Anyway the pyramid thing helped me keep focused on that sentence and I had a LD
If anyone actually understands this and gives it a try, I’d be happy to hear about what came out of the whole thing
Hopefully this will give you guys an idea of what I’m talking about