This is for everyone who uses watches to RC. I set mine to go off every fifteen minutes and every time it goes off, i look at it, look away, then look at it again. am i doing this right? i dont see any other way to do it so if you do anything different that works…tell me about it.
You are doing this right except don’t rely on the watch beep! Do it randomly on your own, or else in your dreams you wont do it unless you hear a watch beep. If you plan on relying on the beeps then put the watch next to your bed so you will hear the beep on the outside and do the RC in the dream.
ooooh okay thanks
Yeah, you can’t rely on anything like that, because it won’t happen in your dream, but apart from that, you’re doing fine.
so…i set the watch to go off every hour as a back up plan and i check my watch ever x amount of minutes…like whenever i feel like looking at it. how does that work?
Unless the chime on your watch is loud you won’t be able to hear it in a dream. I put my watch next to my bed every night and it never works.
well i just tried it cuz i heard a few other people try it and they said it worked so…
the problem with it is this, if the watch is too quiet you won’t hear it in the dream. if the watch is too loud it’ll wake you up
what if i look at it enough so it becomes a habit to just look at my watch every so often? wouldn’t that be carried into my dream? and if my mind got used to hearing the watch beep every so often, wouldn’t that carry into my dreams too? as long as i know i’m wearing the watch?
To hear the watch in a dream you’d probably have to tape the watch directly over your ear. When I’m sleeping my arms are always under pillows or covers and nowhere near my head.
Also, even after a month of RCs with my watch, I still never noticed the beeping. I always just thought to do an rc at just the right time.
yea i wouldnt use the beeps to do an RC, but just a reminder for a RC would be everytime u look at it like you said
DUDE neo you live in chicago?? were you born there? that’s AWESOME. i lived in naperville/aurora for 12 years and i miss it ALOT. that’s such a great place to live. tell chicago i said hello for me. anyway i’m just gonna look at the watch once in a while regardless of the beeps.
I’ll tell chicago you said hi lol
k thanks lol
chi-town says “hey” lol
lol ask him how old he is now. tell him it’s been awhile!