A Way to dream about sex!

moved from general lucidness :moogle:
ok, this method based on getting you hormons level that high, so you will have a dream with sex/ attached to sex.

hmmm this is for boys and girls to, alright?
avoid sex or masterbating for longest you can, and go to sleep and then wake up after 5-6 hours (WBTB)
while you wake up, you need to masterbate without cumming,
yes, its cant be a piknic, but this type of act will get you hormons to astronomic levels that you will dream about sex!
now gotosleep while thinking on sex, maybe with you favorite partner or so.
this method is 99% works!
you know that when you are avod from sexual contact for a while, you can dream about sex!
this is a great method, you can also get lucid easly !
you just need to tell yourself before sleeping :
“every time that i be in sexual situation, i’ll do a RC”
or something like that.
anyway, a great method with a intersting and amazing results!

when you say “this method is 99% works” I realize you mean it’s a lot of work for a small result. Why not go on your normal life and then just have sex when you get lucid?

you wrong my friend
i ment that this method alomst always worked for me
i dont know how you get to hard work :meh:
anyway, there are several profit in my method

  1. not everyone have alot of LD’s, and most of the pepole will maybe did not succeed on getting from a normal LD to a Lucid LD in a sex situation
  2. you can finish your LD soon in a normal method becuase you dont getting started right from sex
    3.maybe knowing that you will dream about sex will make you be less nervous.
    4.you can get to a Sex situation wich is very fun even if you not lucid
    this method provids more chances to have sex in a dream even if you dont have LD’s!

i must say go idea to use this as a reality check however any tips for making you do the reality check while your doing your thing? :razz:

also i wonder if i whent to bed hungy or thirsty would i eat and drink? just an idea


Short answer is yes.

The thing you go to bed with on your mind, your will more then likely dream about.


I hear what your saying, there is an experiment going on in the lucid lab atm, effects of sex/masterbation on lucid dreams, and holding off on these two has seriously increased my dream content of the subject.

Keep it up if thats the way that gets you lucid, every lucid dream is a good lucid dream.


I would not recommend this for men anyway - masturbating without orgasm is actually really bad for your prostate I believe, you may want to look into that

No playlien, it is not dangerous, but it might feel weird at first.

Hmm, Ill look into this method eventually