A weird experience while trying to achieve an OOBE

So I read about OOBEs and decided to try them. I lied down on my bed and did breathing meditation for about 10 minutes, maybe less (I did it until I started getting those weird light patterns in front of my eyelids). Then I visualized my astral body as a cloud of gas floating up out of my body (I read about this technique somewhere). Right around this time the muscles in my face, but mostly my jaw and throat uncontrollably tightened up. I noticed it but thought that maybe I was on the right track so I just kept going. The more I kept thinking about my astral body leaving, the tighter my muscles got until I almost started shaking from the tension. At this point I gave up because I didn’t want to pull a jaw muscle or something and relaxed. I’ve tried doing this a few times after and got similar results but I didn’t take it as far. Now I know that supposedly when you have an OOBE you’re supposed to be completely relaxed so was I doing something wrong that made my muscles clench up like that? Thanks.

Since an OBE from sleep/trance is a dream related experience (internal mental event), what you were trying to do was archieving a WILD. During such experiences, muslce tensions are not uncommon. Read up more on WILD if you want detailed information, because today I’m kinda lazy :razz:.

I was still awake while this was happening, just completely relaxed. Even so, if I had managed to achieve a WILD I’d have been happy. I’ll try again tonight.

Yes of course you are awake, that’s what WILD is about. If you want to read an “OBE-tech” to archieve WILD, check my WILD variation.