Last night, I was attempting to WILD, and I think I might’ve gotten close. I remained absolutely still and concentrated on my breathing and all and then my eyes started to twitch like crazy. I think there were a few twitches in other muscles, but is was mainly my eyes. I got excited and stopped concentrating on my breath and came out of it, but I’m a bit confused. Was this possibly placebo, or my body rebelling because I was being so still? Because I had always thought the vibrations were more like, well, vibrations. As if your body was just vibrating, not twitching. Well, while I go check out The Big WILD topic, please feel free to offer any advice or whatever. I took a break from LDing, so I don’t remember a whole lot.
Hi Dream_Reacher !
I’ve seen that Milod789 replied to your question in the BIG WILD topic. If you search for “eye twitching” on the forum, you can find that your case is not isolated. For instance, cranberrydude said he experienced the same thing :
[url]A WILD Night 2.12.05]
I believed that eyes twitching appears only during REM sleep, but I’ve read recently that slow rolling eyes movements are found in light sleep (stage 1). They disappear during deep sleep.
Your eye twitching (in this case) is not related to REM sleep or sleep at all. Just ignore them and they will settle down on their own. Don’t try to control them or worry about them as that will just keep you awake. Simply leave them be.
Happy Dreaming