Hebe thanks for poiting me to that technique, btw it is found here: https://community.ld4all.com/t/hargarts-induction-technique-log-hild/10708
Very interesting and it resembles my technique quite a bit. It is based on the same method of instantly creating a dreamworld by going consciousnly into a dream-OBE (be it fingers or your whole body). The transition from being awake to being asleep is extremely subtle in this stage where you just wake up and feel very sleepy (mostly in the middle of the night), but can be used very well for inducing lucids, either by doing the fingers RC in the HILD tech or doing the spinning in my tech. Both techs share also that in the end, the LD is created and stabilised when you stand in your room after an OBE like experience (so perhaps we better call these techs under one name OILD or OBE induced LD).
C_mon: You got there, but you lost it . At the point where you saw your room you were in a LD. Next time you need to try to move/walk out of your bed position (create a dream-OBE) and be somewhere in your room, and use methods for stabilising the LD like rubbing hands so you wont lose grip. Good luck with further experiments.
As a sidenote: last weekend I was sleeping with a lot of friends in a house in 1 huge room, some people were snoring (is that the correct term? making noise in their sleep). Anyway, i had some ear plugs to silence the sound but they were on a shelf beside my bed. As i fell asleep i thought, perhaps i’ll use them when the noise gets worse. So i fell asleep but i kept dreaming that i was taking the plugs and putting them in my ears, untill at a certain moment i realised i was dreaming and i flew away into a cool LD. What’s the point? Well it seems that we could invent a technique whereby a thought of an event which will occur during the night at a random time can make us lucid. In my example it was my thinking of perhaps using the plugs (but being lazy to actually take them). I could imagine that if someone set an alarm clock to go off at random during the night, the same could happen to him/her, which is: dreaming that the clock goes off. You should include some RC’s each time when you shut down the alarm (or do whatever action). Could this work?