Abortion. Your thoughts?

Deciding whether or not abortion is right or wrong is not my descision; it’s the choice of the woman who has the baby. But I can openly oppose abotion after the second trimester. THAT is murder.

But people who are having third trimester abortions usually have their lives at stake. Hebrew did give a great example of when…some people…decide that it would be cheaper to have a fully formed third trimester baby aborted instead of doing it when it is first or second.
But people who aren’t sick, sick people have third trimester abortions to save their life.

Damn… I meant 2nd trimester abortions. Aw, forget i said anything.

yah i completely think its the mother’s choice…right or wrong it doesnt matter. and what about the crack-babies or babies that are gonna be so messed up when they’re born it would prolly be worse then dieing? who better to choose the mother or the government?

the other thing is alot of people try to make abortions illegal, what about back alley clinics and self abortions?..if the mother really doesnt want that kid…she will kill it legal or not.

and btw if the baby didnt feel any pain at all during an abortion you would be for choice right? thats what some people seem to be saying…

I haven’t said that…
it’s like saying it’s ok for me to kill you as long as it’s painless :sad:

Also, the abortions are not painless at all. Having a needle filled with poison stabbed into you multiple times is NOT painless. Being slowly dismembered with no anaesthetic is NOT painless. Look at some of the photos of aborted babies, do you think THAT would be painless? Do they look calm? Do they look like they died with no pain?

Well, it really depends on what time they perform the abortion. I am definitely against late abortions in most normal circumstanses, but i am totally for abortions in the early stages of pregnancy, as the baby has then not developed enough to even have basic brain functions.

I am for late abortions if it is due to problems during pregnancy or that the baby is/will be severely handicapped or similar.

One question, is somebody with brain damage less of a person than you? Is somebody with a disability less of a person than you? Is somebody half your size less of a person than you? Is Albert Einstein MORE of a person, than somebody who does not know the theory of relativity?

yes a baby in the early stages of pregnancy is less of a person(im guessing people disagree with that?). thats pretty obvious…the only thing they do have is the potential to be a person.

hebrewb would you say all abortions should be illegal, i know of a 13 year old girl, raped by her grandpa, she had an abortion in a very early stage of pregnancy…should she have had that choice? or should she be forced to have that baby?..so the people that belive abortions should be illegal favour the rights of a group of cells without consciousness or some girl?

btw i never said its painless pfft…thats how ppl seemed to have reacted to what i said…

thats right it would be ridiculus for you to say it is alright if you kill me aslong as its painless…i never said it would be alright if it was painless…

But, there are many people that are rape-children, and they are happy to be alive. Also, the abortion doesn’t always work. Of course, if the child were an incest rape child, that is different, but still, there have been people born of an incestious rape that are very glad to be alive. Another thing, couldn’t she simply put the child up for adoption? That way, no life would be lost, and the child would never have to know the truth. Also, the mother would not look at the chld and be reminded of the horrific ordeal she had been through. Which would be best for them both? An abortion, which holds the risk of killing the mother? Or adoption for the baby, where no lives are at risk, and the child can still live a long, happy life, unaware of the gim truth?

I am not saying that at all. But i do know that certain birth defects usually decrease the quality of life for this person. But this really depends on what kind of defect and how serious it is. Lets say that this person will be bound to a wheelchair for his/her short life being in pain 24/7 and not being able to communicate, then i personally think that it will be less suffering for this baby to be aborted.

I personally would not live my life this way and i would perform an abortion if i was a woman in this situation.
But as i said, i am not for late abortion unless there is a special circumstance.

By the way, i am also for Euthanasia in some cases, but that is a different story…

Only answer is - depends.So many circumstances can be counted in that decision is strictly personal and should be left to person- not to law,authorities or any social or moral ideas.
Help,councelling,advice is what people considering abortion should be getting.Last they need is telling them they are sinners,or wrong, or any negatives actually.Give them support and there will be no need to argue about abortion at all.

Have you even taken into account the babies that SURVIVE the abortion?

My opinion :eh:?

Abortion is a matter between a woman and her god (or inner conscious, or spirit guide, or pixie, or leprechaun, or whatever). No one else can exercise their right over that.

I’ll leave it at that.

Really well put , all support :good:

The chance of that pretty damn slim to non existant. This was/is more common in places where abortion was/is illegal and when the procedure is not done by educated surgeon.

There is always a small risk when surgery is involved. People have died or gotten their life ruined by routine visit to the dentist as well, but that is pretty rare as well.

You ever seen the statistics? About 5 babies a month survive the abortion and are in a very bad condition, but they cannot be killed after birth. I think Abortion is a cruel thing that should be stopped. Permanently.

5 babies out of how many successfull abortions?
The fact is that this basicly never happens when it is done by a good surgeon. I have not heard of such cases here…

Actually, it DOES happen with good surgeons.

…im pretty sure theres lots of ruitine operations that go wrong(we prolly couldn’t have any surgery ever if we stopped because it doesn’t work sometimes…), AND that still doesn’t at all mean that a women’s uterus has anything to do with us…

… like others have said, the women should be left to make the choice not some politicians, government, hebrewB or society.