About reality of dreams

Hello guys.
This lucid dreaming thing is very interesting and i actually wold like to have lucid dreams myself, but there is some problem. After reading posts here i see that most of dreamers here actually ARE ABLE to asc themselves something in dream or to look at watch to do RC. This is problem. My dreams are only concepts, no matter how hard i try to remember them. I simply cant asc myself something, well, at least i didnt asc for my whole life. There are no mirrors or other stuff, and there is no watch that tell time. I never thought in dream. And here i find everybody saying they were ascing themselves during sleep “am i slleping?”.
Also feelings, like sense of touch, do not feel like they do in real world, or at least thats what i remember.

Pease tell me everything’s ok and i will be able to dream lucidly.

you should read up on WILD or MILD (these are induction techniques) lucid dreams dotn often come to you if you simply jsut go to sleep, they take time and the right state of mind. keep trying. I personally find waking up about 5 hours after I fall to sleep and then using WILD to acheive lucidity. Good luck!

I know what you mean…as badly as I’ve wanted to have LD’s and as much research as I’ve done, I often wondered how long it would take me or if I could have them because it seemed like the “dream me” wasn’t smart enough or aware enough to do it but if you do what is recommended, keep reading about it, and tell yourself that it’s easy, that you can have a lucid dream, sooner or later you will probably have one…I finally did after about two months of study.

I’ve only had the one LD so far and I didn’t actually control anything but that was actually during a week or two-long period of time where I stayed away from reading about LD’s and I had one. Sometimes if you immerse yourself in it and then take a break it can happen when you least expect it.

I was having a bad dream, suddenly realized I was dreaming, said it out loud in my dream, got really happy, ran around all excited, tried to fly and couldn’t, then I awoke. Don’t worry, keep trying - anyone can learn to have a lucid dream, even I did and I don’t even do reality checks; I suppose I might have more LD’s if I did them but I just need more self-discipline. Keep reading everything you can here and at lucidity.com and good luck to you! :smile:

Don’t worry - everyone is like that.

If you practice RC’s, then the idea of asking yourself whether or not your dreaming will flow into your dreams (after all, dreams are based off real life).

You’ll then be in the ‘pre-lucid’ stage, in which you can conciously think. You find out that it IS a dream and you become lucid.

So - the short version of this post is: Don’t worry :wink:.

Hi Divinity ! Welcome to the forum ! :smile:

That’s rather strange ! :eek: Are you always working with concepts during day time, like a mathematician or a philosopher ? :read: Could you describe one of your dreams ? Do you have a dream journal ? Do you wake up with an alarm clock ? ( a lot of questions… :tongue: )

Thanks guys kor kind welcome.

Answering questions is the easyest thing :smile:

Last night. fell asleep at 00:00 with alarm set to 4:30, 6:00, 7:30. Kept telling myself something like that: “I will have a dream and i will remember it”. Woke at 4:20. No dreams, at least i remember no. fell asllep. Woke close to 6:00 (again, without alarm). Now, here i had one. by the time i woke i was 100% percent sure that wasnt a dream, but someting i made up myself. After some some thinking i remembered that i actually saw images, so that was dream. I actually remembered the visual, but by the time i woke i was absolutly sure there were no visuals, only my thoughts.
contents. A village i spent lots of time in when i was a child in. Road. Some of my friends with me, i know they are my friends and that’s all i know. We’re doing something. Again, i dont know/remember what are we doing. Sun is shining - this is written in my DJ, but now i dont remember any sun there. A fence there. this’s all i remember. Next - near my house. A girl i study with now and some guy here. She says i’m weak. I say i’m not. She says i’m still weak. Things she said made sence in dream, that is, i do remember understanding this, but what i understood - i dont know.
Next - even more illogical stuff. Inside house, i want to watch movie on my pocket pc, but i cannot because my father didntrecord any movies on dvd player (it all made sence in a dream).
Now, the fun part. I’m returning home with my parents. We’re heading towards flat, and get to door much faster then my parents. Door’s open, we’re being robbed. Burglars are fat and are taking out furniture out of house. I grab hold of one and hold him tight. Now, my parents cant’t see me but they can hear. I want to scream. But no matter how hard i try, i cant do a thing. I’m holding this fat guy tight and that’s it. Cant do anything else. He goes to the direction whare my parents should be. For some time there is a racket, then father beats one of theese guys, i regain ability to do something and beat this guy, he beats me and i’m awake. again, by the time i woke i was sure this was not a dream, that’s what i thought: “i wanted to have a dream and made up one myself. damn.”
After that i didnt manage to fall asleep.

Thank you for telling us your dream, Divinity.

It seems that your dream recall is fuzzy, that’s why you thought that your “dreams are only concepts” and that you “never thought in dream”.

It happens when your dream recall is not very good. In a first time, you remember fuzzy feelings, ideas and sensations. If you focus on these sensations, you can find back your dream (with a lot of visuals and thoughts, as you can see in your dream report).

So, before trying to dream lucidly, you’ll have to enhance your dream recall. Have a dream journal. Write down each morning every remembrance of your dreams, even if it’s only a word. Dream recall is rather easy to enhance, you probably will have good results in about a week.
There are some threads on LD4all about how to recall your dreams, and very good tips in them. I hope you’ll find these topics easily.
… if you can’t, cry "Help ! :help: ", you’ll will probably find someone on the forum who has already found these topics for you ! :content:

Thanks for help. You guys are really great. Moders on this forum are way too friendly :smile: (maybe this is a dream?)

Nah, you should see inside the moderators forum. It’s a constant fist fight in there :wink:.

It’s because we’re just brand new mods. When Q will no more keep an eye on our actions, then we’ll turn really evil ! :devil:
LOL ! :happy:

/me feels left out now… :cry:

:tongue: :clown: :clown: :tongue: but ill claw my way there eventually…MUAHAHAHAHA!!!