To all you dreamers,
I’ve been a lucid dreamer all my life, well for as long as I can remember anyway. I never knew that it wasn’t what everyone just did if they wanted to. But since I’ve been reading about it I have one question. When I ask a DC a question while I’m LDing, where does the answer come from? I dream of an old boyfriend quite often, we have normal conversations when I ask him questions about how he is doing now(I haven’t seen him in 10 years) he answers. But how do I know if I’m just making up the answers he replies, or if his answers actually mean something?
Any help would be appreciated.
That depends on how you interprete dreams. In general it is believed that DCs are manifestations of deeper subconscious layers of your personality. Thus, the answers you get from DCs are coming from deeper aspects of your self. They can be influenced by your expectations at the time, so when talking to them try to have a clear mind as much as possible. This way, your instant influence on the conversation will be diminished.
Others however may interprete that some DCs are independent beings, living on other planes of existence. And it’s a fact that it’s sometimes difficult to explain the actions and words of some DCs as originating from your own mind. But that doesn’t prove anything. You’re the only one who can say anything about your DCs. The old boyfriend in your dreams can very well be an aspect of yourself, providing answers which you already knew but never were able to access (because they’re very well hidden inside your sub-c). To find out, you could perhaps call this boyfriend irl and ask him about his dreams. Perhaps there’s a correlation. I’ve read numerous stories about such coincidences.
When talking about the meaning of the dream messages, it doesn’t matter anymore where this message originated. The only thing which is important now is to look for the right context. This is where you need to decipher your own dream symbolism. And that’s where the tough part begins… You can only trust upon your intuition, but to guide your intuition you need to find correlations between waking life experiences and your dreams.
To give a simple example: suppose you were recently pretty ill. Now that you’ve recovered, you encounter dreams in which you find burglars invading your home. The house may symbolize your personal home, your body. The burglars could be seen as bacteria or virusses invading your body. This might be a sign to visit a doctor irl, because the illness might have come back. I hope this example clarifies what I mean.
By systematically going through your dreams to detect these correlations, you learn to read your dreams. Only by learning this, you might understand the answers you get from DCs.
This all may seem a difficult and long process. Some things are very straightforward, while others are almost unexplicable. But the only way to grasp the meaning of dream symbols, is to learn its language.