Every subject dealing with how to become lucid.
This forum is focused on how to attain lucidity: techniques, tools, ways of living, everything that has to do with becoming lucid.
- In depth discussion of LD inducing techniques.
- Sharing your own ways to become lucid.
- Developing new techniques.
- Discussing lucidity aids like lucid dreaming masks, music, subliminal programming, software, etc.
- Discussing food, vitamins, etc that help in becoming lucid.
Please abide the following:
please give your topics a clear title, and not just “Question” or “Help needed”. When you give your topic a clear title you are bound to get more replies
- If discussing a specific technique (eg WILD), please use descriptive titles and not just “WILD” or “Help with WILD”
- Everything you discuss here should be legally and freely available.
- Everything you discuss should be safe. No dangerous and potentially harmful things, no matter how big the disclaimer you put in your post.
- No medicines and prescription drugs.
- Links to downloadable files or download places are only allowed if those files are free of charge and legal.
- If you are talking about a product, please don’t post a link to vendors.