Anyone here actually said in a LD to his sub-c that he wanna LD every night and it worked??
And if it did, so it’s enough one LD and then you got one every night?
If anyone of you guys tried it, please write how did it go.
Anyone here actually said in a LD to his sub-c that he wanna LD every night and it worked??
And if it did, so it’s enough one LD and then you got one every night?
If anyone of you guys tried it, please write how did it go.
I’ve told that to my subconcious during a lucid dream, I’ve also told it I would be able to WILD whenever I wanted to.
I’ve also prayed during lucid dreams that I would be able to have more lucid dreams.
So far, it hasn’t helped. The only thing that seems to help me is to keep on top of my reality checks.
I’m not trying to discourage you from trying though. I suspect results will vary based on the individual. Give it a shot, perhaps your subconcious is not as ornery as mine!
My question is if it’s really only the placebo effect or maybe there are some other ingridients involved. Because I believed there are.
BTW, you know hebrew?
its so wierd that you actually can talk with your sub-c!!
mey with LD’s you can fix all your problams!
Well, I only wanted to clearly remember my dream this night but I ended up with a LD. I noticed I can steer my subc by wanting things. I always get LD when I don’t want something to happen in a dream, or I get it by accident like accidently walking in a mirror (only happened once).