Access the Akashic Records Exercise - Dr. Bruce Goldberg

Let me start this thread by saying that Dr. Bruce Goldberg believes all dreams are OBE s. This is something to keep in mind when reading his material, or when attempting to understand this technique.

I have been listening to an interview with Dr. Bruce Goldberg and he has a very interesting perspectives about the nature of our dreams. I found these interviews on a P2P network, and so if you search for his name you many find it. I hope I can soon have this interview available for download. It covers the topics of dreams and lucid dreams with an opinion that some people are not use to hearing.

[color=olive]The term Akashic Records refers to a cosmic collective consciousness. Imagine a cosmic database of all of times events. Like an infinite file cabinet or library.[/color]

Some say you can access these records and look at the past, or see a possible future.

I think it’s a fun challenge for any open minded individual, and maybe we all can learn something from our attempts.

what’s really werid for me is when i was taking a nap the other day my HI were really weird, I’d be “unconsciously thinking” about a question or a problem, not even knowing I’m thinking about it, and then HI makes me more awake (not quite myoclonic jerks though… just a gradual awakeness) and I see an answer to what I am thinking… it’s in text and I can tell it’s sensible text, but it’s gone SO QUICK that I can’t really read any of it, and I’m left wondering what in the world just happened.

a few times I’ve been able to make the after images echo in my head for like half a second but it’s not enough to consciously read what is being presented to me.

I suppose it may have something to do with akashic records, I don’t personally seem so, just my minds way of solving problems or answering questions, or something, like normal light NREM sleep.

I suspect that more people actually view the Akashic then let themselves onto. There is just a question of how aware they are at the time or how ready they are to except that this is actually what is happening.

It’s very weird to me ! :bored: This evening, I just answered a topic where somebody told about reading abilities in dreams. It make me remember of the Akashic Records and I wondered if I would write something about them.
Finally I didn’t write anything, cause I didn’t remember how one can read in them : like a book or like a movie ?
It’s funny cause I didn’t thought about Akashic Records for years, and just the day I’m thinking about, poof ! a topic appears ! :confused:

That being said, I don’t find it very interesting to investigate in distant periods which cannot be verified, the past life in which you were an elefant, for instance. :grin: