I read that choline is a precursor to acetylcholine. Choline (especially in lecithin form) is found in many fat and protein-containing foods (i.e. eggs, meats, soybeans, peanuts, etc).
Apparently DMAE also can break the brain barrier and it is converted first to choline and then to acetylcholine…
I got some lecithin yesterday and some vitamin-b since one is supposed to take b5 for it to be efficiently converted into acetylcholine. What I’ve found so far is that I’m able to focus much better on things Dreams also seem to get more vivid and I had 2 LDs last night but for some reason my dream recall was bad I just rememeber having long vivid dreams…
I realise that I’ve been taking a teaspoon of lecithin instead of a tablespoon well actually one of my friends noticed it
Both me and my friend tried taking 1 tablespoon last night and we both got a LD My friend usually get 1 LD each month so there might be something to this