ACTUALLY talking to people in your dreams - is it possible?

Hi! I’ve been a member here for ages, but I rarely post :sad: sorry guys! I have a habit of forgetting my password.
Anyway… I’ve discussed the possibility before of two spirits somehow meeting along the astral plane, and this being represented in our dreams. I used to “arrange” to meet people in dreams, we’d say that if we both got lucid we would meet at some landmark, but it never worked.
Anyway, in the past fornight I have had at least six dreams in which I have met up with and spoken to this guy. He’s a friend who I was in love with for years, and who recently finally showed something back - breaking me up with my current boyfriend - and then dissappeared again. Although I’m now back with the boyfriend, this guy is haunting me! I can’t see him in person, although he lives near and I technically could drive to his house, I won’t… his phone is broken and he has no credit, apparently. I keep glancing around every time I’m in town in case I see him! I haven’t seen him for over a month, and I miss him, especially since i have a lot of things I want to say to him.
getting to the point :smile: I’ve been dreaming about him. These dreams are pretty realistic - he tells me how he feels, and also that it isn’t just a dream, and that I’m actually communicating with him. I’m sceptical, of course, it could just be my mind! Anyway one dream told me to go to town today at 1pm to see him, but then dream I had just before that, he told me that he wasn’t going to town that day after all. I slept in anyway, so I didn’t get to find out if he was really there! My friends think I’m going a bit crazy. But… do you believe it’s possible to communicate with somebody like this? Am I actually meeting him somehow, or is it my mind and its wishful thinking?
( Either way, I like these dreams, it means I get to see him somehow. )

If you want a scientific point of view, I must tell you: this is highly improbable. :content: Seriously, there is no evidence whatsoever that energy fields are created or brain patterns synchronise, so as far as we know, it’s impossible to proove if this hypothesis is true.

That said, I think you should keep trying. Don’t call it wishful thinking. Call it a belief.

I, personally, have some hope that this kind of connection exists, that one can tune other people in their dreams for healthy purposes. However, I don’t have any insightful story on my background to tell you.

But that’s basically it, really: if you choose to believe it is possible, and know it’s a choice, you’re done with the subject.

It’s not possible.

:wave: rainbowfire
I’ve moved your topic from stuff of dreams forum to beyond dreaming. You may wish to read the shared dreaming topic

As Bruno I really really hope thi is possible !

it just open a world of opportuninites to contact people you cant visit ! :content:

For a bunch of people who practise lucid dreaming you seem very quick to say it’s not possible!! Why not? What about people who heal themselves through their dreams… or who heal OTHERS through their dreams? how would you explain that?
Of course there’s no scientific proof for it, but there’s no scientific proof that the subconscious mind actually exists either - so where do you decide what is and isn’t possible?

Rainbowfire, there actually is proof (or at least considerable evidence) for the existence of the subconscious mind–that theory started back in the early days of Psych, with Freud, and has continued to be quite extensively investigated and expanded upon since. As a result of this research, the presence of the unconscious and subconscious minds is today considered scientific fact.

However, no studies conducted concerning shared dreaming have turned up data indicating that such a phenomena has ever occurred or is possible. There has been speculation that it might be were the two dreamers in extremely close proximity to one another (within 2-3 feet), but even this hyothesis does not have evidence behind it sufficient to consider it anything more than conjecture.

Lucid dreaming, on the other hand, is a scientifically proven and heavily investigated phenomenon, and is tyically treated as such. We, as lucid dreamers, tend to also be fairly informed scientifically, especially on the subject of dreams, and also, perhaps as a result, tend to be heavy skeptics. If reasonable science were to indicate that shared dreaming is not only possible but that the occurrence of it has happened in the past and can be replicated, we would all be thrilled, but until then we are forced to conclude that it is not.

Furthermore, the occurrences of such events as the one you described in dreams are quite common and well-documented; many dreamers have encountered and spoken extensively to people they have never met but would like to in their dreams and learned a whole host of things about them, much of which they have since found out is, in fact, not at all true, and as a result the general stance on such occurrences is that they are manifestations of the dreamer’s desire to meet with such a person, or occur as the result of considerable rumination on such a person or topics related to them. You yourself seem to fit into this category; you said that you’ve been wanting to talk to him, and have a lot you’d like to communicate. In the face of evidence concerning these scenarios, this seems a far more reasonable conclusion to come to then one pronouncing the cause of your dreams as shared dreaming.

Good luck with your dreams and your waking life relationships; I hope you have not been discouraged in the pursuit of furthering either. :smile:

Honestly, I have done test after test after test regarding this subject. All have proved negative on actually talking to others. I have tried many times with different students of mine, even them working amongst themselves. We have tried it with people in the same room, in different rooms, in different states, and in one test a pair of my students concocted when one went on vacation, half way across the world. There simply isn’t any evidence from testing, but I’m not gonna say it’s not possible. I will never truely know, though I hope it’s possible too…

I have had some success in sending “messages” to others via LDs, but none recently. The person I sent the messge to just came up to me the next day and told me they dreamed about me and the message I sent…it was pretty cool :smile: I didn’t tell a soul about what I was doing so there’s no other way they could have known about it. This only happened with one person though, the others did not seem to receive anything at all.

I think it is possible based upon an interaction I had with a forum member a long time ago when we had the shared dreaming project going.

but I really would need to try more things to verify.

The thing to remember is dreams by default are generally your OWN mental content, it would be more of a practice in meditation and disciplined focus to deliberately find a real person in your dreams… whereas running into someone by chance and having an SD with them would be more likely, if you know them in person.

I mean like, two dreams I have strayed away from the default scene with deliberate goals in mind to come to find family members sitting at tables wanting to talk to me.

In both instances these family members called me the next day… I do not get calls from my extended family very often, either.

So what is this? Is it just me predicting probable futures? Possibly. Is it that our minds are linked subtly? Possible. Both make sense, and it also makes sense that because such dynamics are so extremely subtle that deliberate shared dreaming would be a rather challenging thing to do.

Think also of the nature of thoughtloops. When you encounter a DC you generally have an impression about them, either “he’s real” or “he isn’t real” (generally only the latter if you’re lucid) so let’s say you’re lucid and you find a DC, from the moment you find him you are assuming that he either is, or isn’t, (or both) real… this is going to bias the content of your dream.

The proper thing to do in my mind would be to stare this dream character down, keep your mind blank (meditate basically) and see if this dream character does anything.

This does not mean you expect him to do anything, or you expect him not to, you are just observing him. If he is a real person he is obviously going to then start doing things (now that you’re more in his dream than he is in yours [speculation, read between the lines]) real random that you wouldn’t normally encounter in your dreams.

I do not know if Retro still posts here but we tried to SD once and though we both dreamed of meeting each other, none of us could understand each other’s code words. If my theory is correct this would be because our minds were clogged with our normal dream thoughtloops and expectations that, though we dreamed of each other, we were not able to connect with each other per se, we were just dealing with mental modelings.

(my throat was blocked up and I couldn’t hear what he was saying, so if you believe in chakras, work with the throat and third eye to increase your likelihood of shared dreaming occurences).

But to sum it up, I think it’s more than possible, I’m fairly convinced that I can from time to time dream with real people, but I do not know if it’s just because my mind is predicting future interactions (such as the phone calls… ) or if we’re really dreaming.

But if you go to this thread you can read an account of how I ran into a lucid dreamer in person after dreaming about talking to him the perviousish night.

Also one parting word, if you base your world view on only what is ALREADY scientifically proven, you’re going to be missing out on a lot of things that have yet to be so.

I mean, think about it. Cavemen sat around and looked at birds. Flight was 100% impossible for them. They couldn’t even begin to think of the most abstract notion of how to fly, of what it was to go about flying, that they could make machines that were capable of lifting them up off the ground.

Science has nothing in particular to do with the mystic or religous, it does not attempt to disprove… keep an open but questioning mind about all things.

There are STILL people who vehemently believe that lucid dreaming is completley impossible, and it is only jsut recently that we’ve been able to prove it scientifically to people.

Before then, if you had not experienced LDs, you would have had to simply rely on the faith that those who had were being honest with you. It would have seemed like superstitious nonsense to most people in contemporary societiies. Keep this in mind.

Yes, I’ve done it. I wouldn’t “explain” it by astral theories but through telepathy. After having studied lots of dreams, Freud thought telepathy was possible in dreams. But I think in your case, it’s not real communication but wishful thinking.

The answer as to whether it is scientifically possible depends on the scientific discipline you choose for your perspective. If you go with vanilla Biomedical science, than Bruno is accurate in his observation. However, if you start looking at cutting edge but still completely respectable fields such as Quantum Physics, and no I do not refer to pop or newage interpretations of quantum physics which generally leap to all sorts of conclusions whether accurate or not, then it is at least theoretically possible.

Whether it is healthy for you under the circumstances to make this conclusion is an entirely a different question.


ehh mite wana check up on that guy communicationg with you no ones seen him phone bills not payed sounds like he’s dead ya id get on that if i were you. :neutral:

i think its possible
i also had a possible telepathic dream , it was with redifin from this forum.