I’ve started having lucid dreams now and have about 2 or 3 a night( ) but everytime im in a lucid dream I wake up The first few times I think I got to excited and thats what cause it but im more calm now. I can stay lucid for a long time if I dont do anything but when I try to do something that you shouldn’t be able to do I wake up.
eg- I realised I was dreaming and decided to jump out a window and fly, I took a big jump towards the window and started to fly towards it then stopped in mid air. I couldn’t move anywhere and tried to swim but woke up
eg2- was in a room and thought im going to walk through that wall, I stuck my hand though and it was ok I started to step through the wall but woke up again
this is really annoying as I know I should be able to do this in my dreams and can stay lucid aslong as I act normally. Does anyone have any advice
Anyway, some advice, beside the obvious “if you believe you can do it, you can”: start with stuff that is a little more easy to do. You tell about flying and walking through walls, which is quite somehting for your (subconscious)mind to deal with. Walking through walls for example is hard because you have to kind of, subconsciously, think up what is behind it. First few times i tried this all went black and often i woke up too. Such things might not go very easy at first, but believe me, they will once you get the hang of it! So, first try to “go with the flow” of the LD a bit, try some smaller “tricks”, like putting your hand through objects, etc. Once you have more experience, the harder stuff will be a lot easier to deal with. Good luck with it!