So Hi
Yesterday I had this normal dream and While dreaming.
I had this major jam with Santana playing black magic women on keyboard. And ehm while playing it i was always wondering how the fuck i was able because I don’t play piano or keyboard irl. And well i never realized I dreaming but i did find it strange that I was able to play keyboard so fine. Almost like someone else had control of my hands and fingers and was playing for me. While playing Kanye West came ( I’m a big fan of Kanye) and he was kind of cheeky so he turn the volym up real loud and I was like i don’t wanna play anymore if he is gonna turn the volym up. So i stop playing.
And then Santana like look me in to the eyes and he was like ‘’ You are excellent musician you just have to believe in your self and start practicing and you will succed’’ And suddenly in the dream I felt really really good like almost like Santana had open up parts of my I never used before. And when i woke up i still had this bubbling feeling inside of me i still have it know ^^
So the thing is last sex month I been thinking about forming a band and start playing rap-metal dubstep drum ‘n’ bas.
So my question was should I trust Santana and start forming a band or should i just ignore it.
And before you say he just a part of yourself I’m very much aware of it and I’m aware of that hi is probably my desire to start playing but the thing is. I’m still having this worm bubbling feeling and I been singing-rapping all day long so haha what should i do ^^?