The last few nights ive been using the wild tech but afetr i get to the numb bit and when SP starts (It only was in my arms) I just lose it. The numbness slowly fades. I calm myself and just go with it but it dosn’t work. Do i visualise something or what?

We need a bit more information to answer your questions.
First, are you doing WILD when you go to bed, or with WBTB?
How long does it normaly take for you to go to sleep?
How long have you been trying to LD?
Is this attempt with WILD your first attempt at LD?
Experance with self hypnosis or meditation can help with WILD, have you done ether of these?
Have you read the sticky topics on WILD and picking a tech?

Note: WILD is not the best tech to start with, unless you fall asleep fast, are highly motivated, and it helps to know a lot about yourself. Things like being able to relax when you want to, being very patient, etc. help a lot.

1 i try both but it only seems to work when i goto bed but ill change that tonight…

2 when im real tired quickly but normally around 10-30 minutes id say but im not sure but its not too fast or too slow.

3 well i used to LD years ago but this is about the 4th day

4 I try concentrating on by breathing and it works well

5 Yes ive read some bits of it but it all confuses me. There seems to be different answers given.

Im nearly all of those things in the second paragraph.

10-30 mins. is ok. Everything else is also ok.
That mean that what you need to do now is try different things to find out what works for you.
As I have said in other posts to other people, I have to ignore HH. if I focus on it I stay awake. :sad: I just let it go by.
If I try WILD when I go to bed, then it never works, and I stay awake for over an hour. I do WILD with WBTB, I do not get up, I take some time to think about any dream that I was having when I woke up, and what I would do if I was in that dream again and became lucid. I then think about what I want to do in an LD. Meet my DG, not just go off flying until I wake up again. :content:
Then I relax, and do WILD. For me it is enough to concetrat on relaxing. I do get HI, but only for a short while. Then I have a short blackout, and am in a dream. I am always lucid in the dream, but I offen have FM as if the dream had been going on for a while. Unfortunatly, so far the longest one has only been about 30 secs. I am ether fighting to stay in the dream, or I start flying and keep getting higher and higher until everything turns black.
Back to your questions, you basicly have three different problems:

  1. learning to relax enough, but not too much. :wink: You have to let your body go to sleep, but keep your mind awake. This is where you have to try counting, listening to something, doing math in your head, or whatever. You have to learn this befor you can move on to the next step.
  2. When you get to the point where you have HI, HH, SP or a blackout like me, you have to learn how to get from there into a dream. Some people can enter the HI. Some people can leave their body when they have SP. Some people, like me, just have to wait until a dream starts. ( This is probably the slowest method :sad: ) Lots of people have problems staying calm, at this point. They get HI, or SP and get so excited that they wake up too much. It doesn’t have to be much, just a little can bring you out of the right balance of relaxed/awake for WILD to work.
  3. Remaining lucid once you are in the dream. The first few times you get this far, you will tend to get too excited and wake up. Some people also have the problem that they lose lucidy after a short while in the dream. You have to stay calm, and do RC’s, or anything else that helps you incress lucidiy and prolong your LD.

When you have mastered all that, you can have long and exciting LD’s. :grin:

Ok thanks I think i will try to wait till the dream starts.

It would probably work to try MILD as well as WILD. Like, for instance, by trying MILD every night while you fall asleep, in addition to WILDing. WILD can be complex sometimes, and pretty difficult to master, and it may be more productive to go for both at the same time. That way, you’ll probably have more success, and feel less put out if your WILD attempts fail.

ALRight :happy: