i keep reading that alarm clocks can help your recall…can anyone please explain the methods in which this works?
For me (and I’m sure for most people), dream recall is very much affected by the number of times that you wake up during the night. If you wake up every couple of hours, you’ll probably remember somewhere around 6 or 7 dreams the next day (especially if you write something down each time you wake up). If you sleep the entire night and only wake up once the following morning, chances are you’ll only remember 1 or 2 dreams at the most.
I guess this is what you’re referring to.
well that was part of it…the other thing i heard was if you do it at a certain time every night your brain will get used to recalling dreams when it hears that sound…something like that…
heh, this is kinda funny
i have a clock (non digital) on my table that is round and about the size of my palm. i set my alarm for 2:30 or something last night and woke up this morning without being awakened (or so i remember) with my alarm switch at the back turned off and the alarm hand dangling loosely at the bottom haha
i understand where you are comming from it is interesting to note about alarm locks with my experince. I always awake 1 min b efore the alarm. So i lye there waiting and as soon as it goes on i switch it off. Well that was b 4 all my test s now i need all the sleep i can get