is it bad to have one to have a LD…but i need one to get up for school at 6:30. I’m a newbie. i havent had a LD yet. i just started training myself last night.
Well maybe because you can be having one LD and then the damn alarm wakes you up but by the other hand it can help you with accuracy to do the WBTB technique.
BTW my Alarm Clock is called “Dream Machine” (its brand)
MINE TOO! hehe. grayish and its kinda like a half circle. anyways yeah that alarm clock is pretty damn good. I use the radio alarm to wake me up, and i have the radio turned ALL the way up. scares the ■■■■ out of me every morning, but gets me up
Well in my house there’s 2 different “dream machine” alarm clocks; both are white, one cube shaped and the other one is like you say half circle.
wow. alarm clock brands. you people must be desperate for conversation
YEAH WE ARE!! we can talk telepathically via the alarm clocks “Dream Machine” brand.
I too use an alarm clock on school days. I don’t think it’s affected my LD’ing abilities.
At night, I set it for 5:20am (for WBTB) and then, after being woken up, I set it for 7:20am (for school).
Is it “dream machine” brand?
i gots to get me one of those :youguysareallcrazy:
todos ustedes estan locos?
im not crazy
*eyes start twitching
I hope
That’s about what I do, just mine’s 4:30 to 6:30.
I hate to say it but alarm clocks help my LD and dream recall abilities. On weekends I tend to have less LD and dream recall than on schoodays (or nights should I say?) I guess it’s since I’m a bit more awake expecting to be awakened.
eye twitches gaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!
I have a programmable calculator; one day I wrote a program ‘random music’ - just played tones of random frequency and length, the effect was… weird. One night I set it up as an alarm, and woke up very scared by it
doo doo doo dee dee doooooo
its hard to type tunes…