Alchera and other Dream Software

Hey guys, I’m looking into Alchera for a way of keeping my dream journal in electronic form. I downloaded the evaluation and it seems pretty good, I’m just wondering if anyone else has any experience with other programs they’d like to reccomend. The ~40 price tag on Alchera kind of makes me think twice, I didn’t want to spend quite so much on it. I wish I had another family member or friend that was into this kind of thing so we could go halves :wink:

the m5mm group is working on a project called Dreamcatcher to provide the ultimate dream diary totally for FREE. So just keep your eyes open for the release.

Ah, i remember seeing something about that. DJem posted a link to a beta but it seems that link no longer works :sad: I wonder if he wanted it pulled or if that was done by accident.

Well just know that the final will be worth the wait 100%

What is the m5mm group? Is this a group that formed from djem’s idea?

DA: yeah, I suppose so :blush:

Hey, have anybody of you already heard of DreamAnswers. Looks very good, lot’s of features but then again, a big price-tag… :sad:

You should take a look

i dont know about you guys
but I love Liquid Dream II software
its GREAT, awesome, detailed diary + more

that’s cool, but i still don’t like the interface, it looks like he’s trying to hard to be all spiritual and matrix-like… which would just distract me constantly.

I got IDX’s log program last night and it looks a lot better (or at least i find it does). It’s simple and it’s not pretending to be something it isn’t. I can’t wait for the new version.

IDX seems to be a bit confusing and buggy for me. where’s the link for that crack? … n=download

if your using internet explorer to get it… keep on clicking NO to that pop-up thing that comes up, unless you want some spyware… then just click download the file once that’s over with

i would suggest to just use mozilla internet browser :smile: