Algae / Seaweed Pills?

Perhaps this will help…

I read some old postings about algae inducing lucid dreams and so today
I decided to take an algae pill - dyctiol - an extract of padina pavonica which apparently is some mediterranean algae.

This is usually taken to fortify bones.

Keep us posted:)See how it goes vivid and recallwise

The dreams were vivid enough but I did not get lucid. I also played a CD with some music and some copies of my voice saying that i am dreaming. About the latter you can read in the music thread - I’ll post there with more details on what I tried.

I’ve taken one of these again today… I’ll also be using the LD test preset (brainwave generator) and I’ll take a Vitamin B complex tonight…
I’ll post on how it goes. I’m expecting an LD…

I had 2 brief ld’s that night…