Alien Abductions are LD related

Hello i was just watching a show on tv about alien abductions and then they had the scientist describing of waht it probably was and i completely agree with it.
That the ppl awoke in Sleep Paralysis and were very panicked and scared and saw dark figures in the room so they associated those figures with what everyone else does wihch are aliens, and from there it could have turned into an LD.
This makes so much sense because imagine all the symptoms we get from WILD like the old hag if a person didnt know anything about LD they would get freaked out and think its real or that someone is there. Your thoughsts

makes sence

This is exactly what i also think about most alien abduction cases… It was simply nothing more than sleep paralysis which then evolved into full blown hallucinations and then dreams…

there was an old topic on this. you can read the posts here … highlight=
LDing causes alien abductions (beware!)

Maybie thats what happaned to me two nights ago, when I had SP about 5 times, and there were people coming into my room.

I agree, I think these alien abductions are just a modern day version of incubus or succubus attacks, caused by sleep paralysis.

That doesn’t explain ones where they were abducted in their movie vehicles and found themselves a few miles down a road in one piece, however.

It indeed does not, but these are quite rare compared to the paralyzed in bed ones.

Infact, I think I’ve only heard of one case of that happening, back in the 1950’s. I could be wrong bu that’s just the only one I remember learning about.

Considering the fact most of those people think they have had a real experience, I wouldn’t call them LDs. They don’t realize it’s a dream. But I’m sure sleep paralysis is the best explanation for these experiences, with aliens instead of old hag.

Lol, this stuff was told on some documentary on alien abduction (a long time ago) on TV, I thought it was a conspiracy :happy: (What, I was like 9 yeas old :grin:

What if you are a sleepwalker ?
Then the transportmey be explainable

That doesn’t explain ones where they were abducted in their movie vehicles and found themselves a few miles down a road in one piece, however.


Unless there are any cases wherein there is obvious physical evidence of something like this that is documented, then all I have to say is, ‘The realism of dreams can be deceiving…’

First of all,like someone mentioned, its not related to lds but to sp.Title of this thread is misleading.
As to ones found miles from their house- it might as well be other way around- their sleep disorder could make them think they were abducted( its kind of popular ,especially in usa)- they needed an explanation for themselves for weird dreams and being away from home,so first thought was “wow i was abducted”
It would rarely happen here in Poland where first thought in such occasions is “damn, i must stop drinking”:slight_smile: