I typically only have about one lucid dream a month. Lately, as I’ve been reading and trying out different things, I’ve had them more often. The thing is that they never happen late during my sleep-session. Every time I have them it’s always within 5-20 minutes of when I fall asleep. Is this normal? I’m not too familiar with the brain process during the sleep cycle.
It’s worth noting that I have rather erratic sleep habits. I’m constantly changing what times I go to sleep and wake up, though I still typically get at least 7 hours a session.
me 2.
it seems that it is more better that we work on WILD technic.
this is 2 rare that i have mild.
sometimes when i’m sleepy and i gona take a nap on chair , i got HI and dreams.
i thinks it is very good.
but i found that in this case it is too hard to staiblizing dream zone , in mild LDs are more stable but in this case you can try OBE much more easier.
good luck.
Hmm. I’ll try out a MILD. It seems like a daunting task, but it’s worth a shot.
Whenever I stay up for a long time (35+ hours), sleep is unusual. When I’m falling asleep, I get ultra-vivid flashes of images in my head before fully falling asleep. These tend to wake me right back up. Often during this it seems like I’m crossing back and forth between being awake and sleeping.
You’re experiencing Hypnagoic Imagery, or HI for short. Don’t be frightened by these, they are 100% normal and I see them every time I try to WILD.
Soon after seeing the images if you can stay asleep long enough you will enter SP in what seems no time at all. Don’t pay too much attention to the images, the SP, or the sounds and stay as cool as ice. If you can stay calm you’ll enter a dream via WILD. Just stay awake during it all by keeping your mind awake.
But you were experiencing HI.
Now, I don’t know if it’s normal to have your dreams early in the sleep session. If you are awake for 24 hours or more then I’d say it’s perfectly normal.
I have my dreams early but by a different sense. I have my dreams early in the morning at like 5:00AM or 6:00 AM.
The normal brain process during the sleep is 1 hour and 1/2 cycles, with REM sleep occuring at the end of each, and REM sleep duration increasing during the night ( about 5 mn during the first cycle, 45 mn in the 4th ).
It seems that your erratic sleep habits caused you the same phenomenum what can be observed in polyphasic sleep ( it’s the sort of sleep which is now adopted by sailors in a race ). As the sleep is shorter, REM sleep occurs immediatly.
Hypnagogic imagery or hallucinations after a long duration without sleep is usual. Same problem occurs to the sailors. One of them believed his ship was on a green grass, another that his father skipped the boat !
If you have such a abnormal sleep, WILD in the beginning of the night could be very rewarding, I think. Of course, MILD can work, too.
Update: I’ve had absolutely no success with WILD. I’m giving up on it until I can find a way to wake up in the middle of the night to try WBTB. I have a fairly loud alarm clock, but it still doesn’t wake me up.
I’ve had success with MILD though. Last night when trying it I went directly into a lucid dream. Though like all the ones that happen right when I fall asleep, it was rather short and not very vivid. The ones later during sleep tend to be much better. I’m not sure whether to try to increase lucidity during these, or just try to get LDs later at night.