So today I just took a hour nap and all today I was thinking about lucidity. I had many, many dreams last night and I can remember most of them, but this one dream really strikes my fancy now that I look back on it because it was so vivid.
The Dream (Short Version):
I was walking home with my friends and there was this thinking going around where high-schoolers would drive past the middle schools throwing cans of of soda and stuff like that at us. This may sound nice because I kind of sounds like they were giving us soda, but that was not the case. So I was walking home with my friend Jacob and a couple more of my friends and out of the blue, I asked him if this was a dream. He said, “What the hell are you talking about? This isn’t a dream!” At that point, I was kind of confused because in my dream, I was going between what seemed like a dream and the real world. Now that I look back, on it, it was kind of like Inception. Actually, it was more like, if you’re into Doctor Who, the episode where Amy and Leroy are in the Tardis and a world where Amy is pregnant. Both of the dreams seemed very vivid and I was 99.9% positive I was in real life. When my friends and I were on our way home, we found a flat football. I went to pick it up and I could feel every dent. Every little thing about it. At this point, I was, in my mind, 100% positive that I wasn’t in a dream. So we kept walking and here came these high-schoolers that I was talking about earlier. They started throwing Mountain Dew at us and one of them, a freshman, threw a clear, plastic cup filled with urine at me. So we started running. That was all that I could remember about that dream. There was another not-so-clear dream that I’d like to share with you all.
Dream #2:
So I signed up for the air force (I don’t remember where I did it) and I started out in a house-like KC-135. It was really roomy and I was in an office lounger with the rest of my squad. The plane was idle. My squad was doing art. An assignment that my crew officer gave. I know that sounds weird, but I think it’s because I just switched my elective in school from band to art. (I think the whole air-force idea came from a book that I read a while back.) So my squadron packs up and goes home. We come back the next day and I start working on the art assignment. The sergeant yelled at me and told me to stop screwing around. He told my squadron that we had to go on a mission. For whatever reason, I didn’t go. When they, came back my sergeant screamed at me, understandably. He told me to just start making him cakes and coffee and stuff like that.
So that pretty much concludes the most vivid dream(s) that I have ever had. I think that this was a close to a LD as I’ve gotten. From now on, I am going to use this site as a dream journal.