I became lucid last night! I said that I was dreaming, and tried flying. I got pretty high by flapping my arms, but then I had a false awakening :-/. I didn’t think of doing RCs, because I don’t use them often yet. I wasn’t very lucid, things seemed kind of blurry, but it’s a start lol. Any tips about making it clear, or false awakenings? Oh and in the false awakening I was talking to my friend saying I just woke up from a lucid dream.
Was this your first LD? Sounds like you had a good start, not an “almost made it”. These things build slowly for most of us. Just keep at it and they will get longer and clearer.
No I have had a few in the last 2 weeks. So this was my third intenional.
Most used methods for keeping a LD clear and prevent you from waking up are rubbing your hands, spinning around your Y or X axis or focussing on any object in your dream. Good luck trying
i have much trouble flying
Hooray !! Last night I had a LD and in it I flied for the first time (I wasn’t able to before). I was with my friend and we went to a giant world of nothing, and just floated and flew around everywhere. I used the breath stroke in mid air and super man method. I got the dream to last a few minutes longer also after remembering to rub my hands together. I think I am getting better at this, so I’ll keep trying. 5 LDs in the last 3 weeks.