Almost succeeded with DILD?

Almost all my lucid dreams have so far started at False Awakenings, but I believe I was about to get a DILD dream last night.

I dreamed that I was at a supermarket of some sort, and apparently I ordered stuff by putting the names on some kind of diagram (no idea why).
I found it strange that I wasn’t allowed to choose multiple wares and pay for all of them at the same time, like you usually do when you go shopping, and I started arguing with one of the employees there and told him that this was absurd, and that I thought it didn’t make any sense.
He tried to find excuses for everything, but I always reacted like “but that doesn’t make sense either, what in the world are you doing?” - and in the end, I think I told him “hey… this is a dream, right?”.
What I do know for sure is that I kept arguing with him and telling him that I found it all absurd and illogical, and I also have some memories of other dream scenes where I talked about “typical dream scenarios” with people.
What do you think I should make of this?


Well, if you are correct that you said that ^^^ in your dream, then you did accomplish a DILD and you did become lucid. However, you probably just quickly slipped out of lucidity.

Too funny. It seems like part of your mind was like “this scenario makes no sense” and was questioning how real it was while the dream character was just trying give you an excuse to the obserdity. Haha just try to be a little more aware, you were so close to a dild

Yeah, I almost believe this could count as a DILD, because I remember trying to outwit that DC and I was constantly thinking something like “what the hell, this guy is trying to deny the possibility that this is a dream!” and I decided to argue against him until he had no excuses left.
So even if this wasn’t a real DILD I did feel like I was extremely close.

Yea you were basically there. You realized it was a dream. You just need to be more aware and sure of yourself. That way when you realize your dreaming you will have a deep, conscious understanding of that fact and you lucidity will be stronger.

Yeah, I have actually dreamed about the topic lucid dreaming almost every night this week, so I’m definitely getting close.
Now I just have to actually be aware enough to keep that feeling so I don’t instantly lose lucidity or “hesitate”. :tongue:

This seems to go in periods for me - sometimes I can have FA-initiated lucid dreams 2-3 a week for almost a month, and sometimes I only “almost” become lucid for a couple more weeks.
But of course, getting close is also a very positive sign.

That’s actually something completely normal in a dream. you must know not to trust your DCs as they will try to persuade you everything is pretty normal.

Even when lucid, not all DC agree with you when confront them about you being in a dream.

Yeah, the DC was always trying to rationalize everything so it almost made sense, but I could feel something wasn’t right and tried to convince him that we were in a surreal place, and he didn’t like that. xD

This night I had another dream that I believe was a real DILD - I dreamed that I was at my old high school, and I suddenly decided to “try speaking with a Dream Character”, caught a girl and asked her what she represented and who she was - she told me that she had known me for hundreds of years, and I replied suddenly “but I haven’t lived that long” and she replied something like “oh yes, you have - not as the same person, but your spirit existed then”.

I was astonished.
This was a really cool experience, and now when I think about it I did have a conversation with a girl who told me to smile more often while I was flirting with her, so she almost seems like a Spirit Guide or something.