Last night I was attempting LD for the first time and I did have a rather strange experience, a little scary but quite exhilarating, I was listening to one of those “Lucid Dream Inducing” mp3’s and as I started to relax more and more I stopped hearing the mp3 as much (though it was still playing) and I saw blackness but in the blackness there were faces swirling all around, and they looked like they were coming out of the dark , then going back in. Some of the faces were really horrible, but i knew I didn’t want to wake up. Then on the last face, which was very vivid, it looked like a cabaret girl, with a fake mole on her face, and I started to zoom in and right when I was about to smash though her forehead my eyes opened…Was I almost there?
This sounds like HI, hypnagogic imagery, to me. They are hallucinations that occur while we are falling asleep. It simply means you are falling asleep, and it can be useful if you want to use the WILD technique. Good luck with the next try, and sweet dreams!
you absolutely were almost there, and that’s further than I pretty much ever go with HI… keep on working at it! The best thing to do is just to sit and watch the scene for a long time rather than try to forcibly enter it, or to even try and change what it is you are seeing… usually when you’re ready to dream the scene just snaps “into you” and you just snap “into it” and then you’re dreaming.
it’s a fascinating process and one that i don’t encounter that often.
Hi Cateye! Welcome to the forum!
Oh yes! When you start to zoom in HI, you’re almost in a lucid dream.