Almost There...

Hey guys I have a problem. It’s kind of a one step forward two steps back kind of thing. Lately, close to the mornings I have been having dreams where I will wake up during them then try to enter them lucid. I always do this but something feels so wrong. I will go back into the dream knowing I am dreaming but I am fully aware of my real body and when I try to move I move that one. Also it almost seems like not a dream and more of me just trying to visualize one. It’s kind of hard to explain. Any responses would be greatly appreciated… Thanks :razz:

It could be that your not fully rooted in the dream so your kinda on the bridge and seeing both sides instead of crossing it.

It may be that the dream is not stable yet. Try to stabilize it by rubbing your hands, feeling some objects, textures. Usually, the dream becomes more clear and vivid afterwards.

It’s possible that you’re experiencing some incredibly strong HI and haven’t fully entered the dream yet. Try remaining still until you’re sure you’ve crossed into the Dream space. X

Remember, you don’t want to move your real body, so don’t stress and exert your real muscles. When you try to stabilize the dream you should only think about your movements. Imagine how you are touching these clothes, really see your hand reaching out and think about how these objects actually feel like, feel what it’s like to rub your hands! It’s all about your imagination :smile:

i think i know what you mean. at first it does feel more like strong HI… at that point i usually lose lucidity, think it’s not working and guess what, it becomes a fully drawn out dream :tongue: so don’t lost patience, just wait, i guess. the way it usually happens with me is that i’m on a road, so… if you try imagining a road, just keep walking it till you start feeling your footsteps or something starts happening on its own.

Thanks for all the responses guys. I’ll try to do what you said :smile: