Almost there.

Lately I’ve been attempting to a achieve lucidity by using the FILD technique. Usually when I try this method I use the WBTB method also. I often wake up and do the FILD technique for like 3 seconds and then lose focus on it and fall asleep. But earlier today I believe I got somewhere. I closed my eyes and began focusing on my fingers. I started to visualize a dream, and every time I would lose focus on my fingers I would start becoming active in the dream, and when I focused back on my fingers the dream would freeze. So I tried to visualize a setting, something simple so I chose a plane of grass, and it worked!:grinning: As soon as it began to come into view it created a booming sound. When it did that I figured I would go in for a reality check by closing my nose, and I got noting. So of anyone has any tips or ideas in how to help me it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

In general, when the dream has formed, it is a good idea to take a few moments to stabilise it before doing anything. When you become active in the dream as you say, has the environment formed around you, or are you just watching it? I think that when you are already in the dream, focusing on your real body will only be disturbing.

I hope this will help some.

I kept bouncing back and forth within the dream, but when I was in the dream it was vivid, but I was unable to control anything. When I was watching the dream it seemed like the dream had frozen in place and it so had become blurry. Thats when I tried to visualize the plane of grass. Thank you.


Have you tried to get up very slowly and jump. You will be flying in the dream world.


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You already experienced a lot. Don’t rush things. What Siiw said is very important. When you realize you are in a dream try to stay focused and calm. Focus your attention on the dream and be calm as possible. Now this is important because people usually want to experience things instantly. And they usually wanna do a tone of things but at the end they are not able to do anything because they didn’t do the basics and that is staying in the dream.

Like I said, go easy, have 1 goal each night. Don’t look at this as something you need to do now, remember that each night you have an opportunity to do something, and something is one step at the time which is much better then not doing anything because of rushing things…

Good luck!