
ever since i started practicing lucid dreaming, my dreams have become really vivid and clear, last night i actually believed it was real life when i woke up it was so clear, now all i need to do is realize im dreaming while im asleep, and i dont know how to do that can anyone help?
:confused: :eh:

I assume that since you made your way to the forums you also came through the main site. It has all the information you could ever require and is incredibly easy to understand.

Here, I’ll make it even easier for you.


Yep it’s all there in the main site. Just look back on your dreams and try to see if there are any re-ocurring dreamsigns. Also try out some reality checks during the day, like counting your fingers for example.

Good Luck! :smile:

What LD practise have you done?

Goodjob with the vividness etc… So keep it up…

i’ve done WILD, and WBTB.

and since ive started trying to remember my dreams, i have been remembering pretty much every dream ive had, and im remembering dreams that i’ve had when i was younger and stuff that i never remembered untl now