Wish me luck. Although, missing out absurd amounts of sleep I’m not feeling as tired as I usually get. I’ll let you guys know what happens.
Good Luck!! I use the suneye method sometimes, and it helps my dream recall ALOT anyways GOOD LUCK!!!
I am, too. Normally, I can’t use it, as I can’t fall asleep whilst doing so, but today, I am really tired. By the time night rolls by, I will be up for over 24 hours, so shibby. Good luck to you, and to me.
Well, I’m back and I have to say, that couldn’t have gone worse.
Woke up at 6 am, stayed up until 7 and then attempted to go back to sleep. Lay there for about an hour and a half, then finally fell into quite possibly the deepest sleep I’ve had in years Wake up at midday with dad offering me sausages and pancakes for sunday brekkie. Not only that, my dream recall was WORSE than it normally was. Once I nodded off, I wasn’t concious until I woke up again. Someone could have drugged me and I wouldn’t have noticed the difference. Wasn’t even concious during my dreams. Heck, I didn’t realise I had fallen asleep again until I looked at the clock.
Guh…I’m getting frustrated to no end. I’m showing NO progress and my dream recall is still naturally quite horrible. I’m not concious during my dreams so I can’t do reality checks, WBTB doesn’t work well because I have quite possibly the worst ability to fall asleep out of everyone I know (It can take me up to 4 hours to fall asleep sometimes!) If I don’t see even the smallest bit of progress before the mid-term holidays end, I’m probably going to give up…
Xenesis - I hope you continue your efforts, don’t let those frustrating experiences destroy your motivation. You’re probably trying too much, and thus worrying too much about getting results.
The first thing I would do if I were you is getting enough sleep. You mention you miss insane amounts of sleep and be sure this is very bad for dream recall - let alone lucid dreaming. So get enough sleep before you try again.
What concerns WBTB, if you can’t fall asleep after 1 hour of staying up, then try staying up for 30 minutes - maybe then you fall asleep quicker. If this doesn’t work, try a shorter period. Even getting out of your bed for a few minutes will help. It’s just a matter of adapting the “official” guidelines to your own personal needs.
Wish you luck!
Hmm…The suneye thing says that I should probably MISS a night of sleep. I normally get fairly good amounts of sleep, between 6-10 hours most nights. Also I don’t know if trying too hard is the problem. I’ve been fairly relaxed about the whole thing, Trying to do the odd MILD or WILD every now and again. I just think my subconcious really doesn’t want me to dream, or that my mind likes to sleep too much…
Those are EXACTLY the results I had with this suneye method. Took ages to get back to sleep and I slept for ages!
See my topic https://www.slagt.net/ld4all/viewtopic.php?t=3679
I think we both might have got the timing wrong and interrupted a stage of deep sleep. This would mean that your body would have to add hours of extra sleep to get back down into deep sleep.
Just a thought, I’m only a n00b
Ah but I didn’t knew you were trying the “sleep deprivation” version of suneye, method III if I am correct. I don’t really understand why anyone would torture himself with this method, what is so fun about missing a full night of sleep . It’s probably better for WILD because many people will fall asleep very easily (but not everyone) but if you miss the WILD then you will probably have bad dream recall. The reason: you miss sleep so you sleep deeper and get less dreamsleep (REM).
Anyway, I don’t get the point of doing this. If you want to get the most out of LDing in this method you have to stay awake a night, then try getting an LD the next night, then stay awake another night… I guess this is quite unhealthy and I hope I don’t encounter people who try this method on the road driving a car or manipulating dangerous machines at work The first suneye method, basically stolen from Laberge (MILD,WBTB) and Tibetan dream tradition (third eye) is really effective enough so why would anyone torture himself missing nights of sleep?
It’s the school holidays here, so missing a night of sleep doesn’t matter. Besides, it’s not that bad as I get to amuse myself on the net when the speed is the fastest on my dialup connection. Hmm…I think the REAL problem I have is that I’m not concious at all during my dreams. How can I realise I am dreaming if I’m not there (figuratively speaking)? I haven’t properly dreamt at night for years, except for the rare circumstance if I occasionally have a really light sleep. I still have the ability to dream recall though, through a dream diary and the glass trick but I can only recall if I actually do the glass trick. I have no natural recall anymore. . My dreaming was really good as a kid, I’ll have to try and remember what my sleeping patterns were like back then and maybe try and re-introduce them. On the plus side, I managed to get to sleep on my back for the first time in years but that was probably because I was so tired from missing a night of sleep.
what i’ve heared is dream recall one of the most important thing when trying to lern to LD. It sounds to me that you could use some better dream recall to get more sucess on LD:ing. (nothing new there, you’ve prolly heared That allready…)
though, i think it’s a good thing that you can recall dreams using the glass trick. If you continue using that for a while you’ll get used to think about dreams the first time in the morning and pritty soon i think you’ll remember dreams without the glass trick.
Just curious… what is the glass trick?
Glass trick is when you take a glass of water to bed. You drink half of it and tell yourself what you are going to do. (Like have a dream, etc) and what you will do when you wake up (remember your dream and drink the other half of the glass) this way, it links a subconcious action with a concious one. It’s good for dream recall.
Anyway, I tried a little experiment last night. I set my alarm for 6 hours after I went to sleep, woke up and went back to bed ASAP (Still took about an hour or two to go back though) Anyway, I was concious during either what was one really really long dream, or two separate dreams. Could remember very little of the first part, but the second part was quite vividly remembered (probably because I woke up near what seemed to be the end.)
There was something really funny though: Flyer, when I was looking for something: ‘Join the Purchasing Gnats Club’
I tired the sleep deprivation method on the Suneye trick… I didn’t plan on staying up all night, but I did, so I gave it a shot again, in peace and quiet. I had one REALLY long dream about being in a town under conditions much like the Holocaust. I didn’t go lucid, but the dream was still fairly interesting.
Well, in my time, it’s 6:01 AM, so I should be beat by the time 9:00 or so rolls by. I’m going to try to use the WILD method.
Hm…staying awake for the time it took me to turn off my alarm worked relatively well. I’ll try a different amount of time. I’ll try 5 hours and see if that works.
I don’t see anything “artificial” about the glass trick: it’s just making yourself more consciously aware of your dreams. It’s what most peope do in one way or another
e.g. I put out a piece of paper and a pen each night and then when I wake up I use them…
By Natural, I mean that it does not need to be induced by any form of techniques or methods. Like I just wake up and remember my dreams. When I was younger, I had almost impeccable dream recall. I would remember dreams every morning and be concious in them every night. Heck, I still remember some of my dreams from when I was around 5 years old. That skill has unfortunately for me, faded away and now I sleep unconcious nights and live ignorant days when it comes to dreams.
Edit:Tags ate themselves.
to be able to remember dreams you have to think of what you dreamed right away when you wake up…my theory on why we remember dreams easyer when we are younger are that our minds isn’t all filled up with things we Have to do and stuff…when children wakes up they doesn’t have as much thought and worries in their mind when they wake up, therefor they remember what they just dreamed instead…
I totally agree with Fixos
Does anybody have the link to this method, I used to have the files but then my computer crashed.
Sleepy: Sun Eye (if you have a firewall you may have to turn it off to access this link)
Xenesis: I have some of the same problems; poor recall, trouble getting to sleep. What has worked for me in the past is concentrating on “Lucid Living” or doing Reality Checks every minute of the day. The theory is the more time in waking life you spend in alert awareness eventually it will spill over into your dreams. Please don’t give up. It takes some of us longer than others but it is worth the effort. The very best of luck to you.