Altering your waking life body.

Is it possible through LD-s to alter your real body to a certain extent at all? I got curious after remembering some stuff related.

I dont see how that can be possible…

I thought of posting this question too! I want to enlarge my penis through LDs! :content: heheh - it’s true though.
I think it’s pretty possible actually!
Your hormones control your body, your brain controlls your hormones - so you can probably controll your body through your brain.
I once read the HGH(Human Growth Hormone) which is produced in your brain is the hormone that controles your growth, including your ageing when you get old. They experimented by injecting increasingly larger doses of that hormone in old people and they started to become “younger”. Some grew hair back, some had less pains and all reported feeling stronger and energetic (Stamina).

So if you ask yourself gently in your dreams you can probably change your real body or to give you eternal youth! hehehe=) Although it shouldn’t be that easy 'cause your brain will prolly not tell you what to, I mean exercises…

I think that you can alter you body in a lot of ways by telling your mind persistantly. Maybe by living out situations in which the desired change has already taken place in your lucid dream.

thats some interesting staff.
ordering your body to secrete moreserotonin , endorphin and other hormones that make u happy could be really cool.

there’s a reason we don’t control our unconscious processes… i’d say let hormone distribution be done by something that actually knows what it’s doing… i.e. dreaming to become a happy person would probably indeed work, but it wouldn’t work by ordering your brain to get you high.

as for altering the body… I really want to do that kind of stuff too… in a way i think it might be possible but you’d have to go to a really really really deep state.
(i.e. if you wanted to get taller you’d have to go to conscious delta sleep and implant suggestions for yourself to start growing a little bit more with the idea of how tall you want to eventually be)

Yeah I agree with holy reality! It should be very hard to do. I think it could be dangerous too!
When I (kinda) do Self-Hipnosis, and I try to give my self positive sugestions, due to the sleepy state I’m in, I usually tell my self my insecurities instead of telling me what I want to change. I think this could turn a neurotic person into an extremely neurotic person… =(
But if you’re very confidant of your LDing habilities go ahead.

BTW - I found a free penis enlargement manual, so if anyone’s interested PM :content:

This reminds me of the book, “Stranger In a Strange Land.” The character, Michael, in the book goes into a trance and builds his muscle mass up in a matter of days. Interesting idea.

I’d like to try out that getting taller thing… very cool idea! :thumbs:

I’m going to try this thing out. Once when I get lucid, that is. >.>

it’s possible.
i experimented with this a few years ago.
lemme sum everything up with a conclusion.
it’s possible.

and how did you do it? just told yourself in the LD what you want to change about yourself? I’m just curious cause I want to do it aswell.

Yeah, you can’t just say “it works” and leave it at that, that’s just cruel :cry:

There was an old thread here at some point that went into this and ways you could change your body.

It’s from 2003 from none-other than garebear
The Shapeshifting Experiement

On another note: In a magazine a while back there was a woman who couldn’t stop eating, I can’t remember her exact circumstances - but needless to say her eating habits made her obese and they used Lucid Dreaming to help her reduce both her weight and eating problem.

ha, thanks for that dark matter. i was gonna let them sweat it out for a bit before i came back and wrote a great big paragraph full of many things ive said over and over but you saved me from that and only backed up my brief cocky post. now im going to stop b4 i actually do write a long paragraph i dont have to.
good luck with that fellas.

I would think that someone would have to be an expert in LD s in order for this to work. I don’t anyone would see results instantly.

Thanks for the link!

And thank you garebear :smile: