hey. i read some stuff about dreaming on another forum and got linked to this site.
The day before yesterday i read about lucid dreaming and how to do reality checks, so in my dream last night i thought it was a dream so i did the light switch test, and it prove that i was infact dreaming, but thats about all i can remember of the dream now, i could remember more of it this morning though,
anyways my question is. am i a lucid dreamer, coz there are multiple times where i can remeber realizing that i was in a dream. a few times i would realize then go around being a dickhead coz i knew that it wouldnt have any effect in real life. other times i would know it was a dream and i would be talking to a character in my dream, i would actually hear myself talking in my sleep, not just in my head, and i would say to the person, “sorry i’m waking up, i gotta go” or somthing along those lines. but reading this site it seems you need lots of practice to become a lucid dreamer, but i have not practiced and its something that i have been doing for a long time. is this lucid dreaming or is there another level i haven disovered yet??
Spontaneous LDs aren´t so uncommon, not everyone has to work hard.But other people either don´t have LDs without using techniques, or they have LDs sometimes but want to increase the frequenzy.
I am one of the last group, I already had LDs as a child, but I don´t have LDs often today, so I search for techniques that can help me to get them more often.
You can be happy, you already mastered the first step, but I am sure you´ll find many inspirations on what to do with your LDs in here.
Just take a look around
well thats good, but i wouldnt ,mind brushing up on sopme techniques seeing as my lucid states dont last for long, because i either wake up or get tricked back into thinking its real. i’ll try some techniques tonight and tell you how i go.
most of the lucid dreams i can recall are from a while ago, probably when i was about 10 or so, i am now 17, but last night i still became partly lucid because i did a reality test and it turned out i was dreaming, although i either didnt stay lucid or i cant remeber the rest of it, i’ll start a dream diary so i can remember them later on. thanks.
Seems we are quite alike (concerning dreams).I am also 17 and forgot about LDs for many years, until I read about it on the net.
Two techinques that work fine for me are voice commands and the spinning technique.
Spinning is easy: When the dream begins to fade and you fear you are going to wake up, just spin around.This also helps to make the dream more intense
Voice commands: Simply say out loud what you want, for example “I want clear vision” or something like that.Sounds a bit too simple, but it really works for many people.
well i am about to goto sleep now, i’m leaving music on because i regulary hear the music in my dreams and it reminds me that i am dreaming, so tonight i will use it as a trigger and use the spinning technique and see what i come up with.
A lot of people who are decent or good at art that I know are usually quite good lders. I, myself, am into making music and producing it. I am not a pro or anything but I can get creative sometimes I guess you can say. I’ve had over 120 lucid dreams, not all fully lucid, and not all controllable though. So maybe creativity/art does affect lucid dreaming some how.
Th first night after reading about the techniques, i didnt have an LD but i did have a big normal dream that was easy to remember, i think the reason i didnt go lucid was because the dream was so real and didnt have anything out of the ordinary in it, but last night i had a lucid dream, but at first it wasnt lucid, it started out as a regular dream. I dreamt that I had met some guy called “stile stokes” (many people would know where i got the name stile from ) anyway, for some reason I got enraged because he had the same last name as me, and I shot him in the head with a shotgun while he was working in an office building, then knowing that the cops were going to be here soon i ran down the stairwell and outside, i then sprinted then jumped into the air and started flying (the swimming in the air technique), i then thought, “hey this is a dream, i cant fly” i then cam back down and started looking around for a light switch to do another RC just to check, so i ran into a resurant and started flicking the lightswitch, and they wernt working, i was so happy. The waiter asked me what i was doing, i replied “look at me i am flicking the lighswitch and its not working” he didnt seem too suprised, i then had a go at putting my finger through the wall, i succeeded but it was different than what i expected. i had expected it to go through the wall asif it were a liquid, but it was more like putty, i really had to force my finger through. i then sat down at a table orderd a huge meal and took a ring off my finger and put it half-way throught the table, then i realized i was wakin up, i tryed the spinning technique but it was too late. i then woke up.
wierd hey? all my dreams are wierd,
i used to lucid dream while i was a kid and have taught myself a few tricks, like waking yourself up while in a nightmare, i would know that something really bad was going to happen, and i knew that i was really in bed, but i was still very scared so i somehow figured out a way to wake myself up on que, pretty handy.
i just took for granted the lucid dreaming, and didnt reall talk to anyone about it because i thought that it was something that everyeone could do all the time, but now that i have found this site i realize that its not something that everyone can do, and there are techniques you can use to improve your experience. so now i am going to use these everynight untill i can hopefully gain full controll of all my dreams