I feel as though I was getting closer to LD, I had a few dream in the last few nights, and as soon as I realize I am dreaming I wake up. Then last night I dreamed about Lucid dreaming all night but never realized I was dreaming. Yes I am doing reality checks through out the day, and telling myself to lucid dream and to remember my dreams. But once I am dreaming I remember nothing of RL. It’s like I have to practice remembering RL in my dreams more than Dreams in RL. Some input would help.
PS being able to read stuff here and getting answers for my questions here has really helped considering I’ve only been trying this for about 1 week and a half. Thanks People!
You said, “I feel as though I was getting closer to LD, I had a few dream in the last few nights, and as soon as I realize I am dreaming I wake up.”
Yes you are getting close. Actualy you are there you just have to learn to stay in the dream. Don’t worry this happens to everybody and you will get through it with practice.
Once you realize that it is a dream:
try not to get to excited this might wake you up.
try to stabilize the dream. There are many ways of doing this but some of the more popular ones include: rubbing your hands tougher, looking at your hands, holding on to something in the dream looking at the ground. I find that flying helps me stabilize things. You could also try spinning. This is a great technique that you can use with your lucid dreams.
[color=indigo]I had the same problem when I first got it going. You get the entire thing down cold, and your right there…and then you wake up! How annoying is it, it’s not that hard to fix don’t worry.
Like milod said, try not to get too excited about, that was my problem, I would like yell ‘hey i’m dreaming!’ in the dream and stupid me I kept waking myself up.
The stabalizing, At first I found the looking at my hands to be the easiest to do, but after I got better at it, I started using the spinning a few times. Spinning is harder to remember and do in a dream I think, but it works a lot better then looking at your hands. Try both maybe and see what works, then go from there.
Make sure you keep us updated on how it’s going. Best of luck.
Am I right in saying, that when you realise that you are dreaming, you wake up, strait away, giving you no chance to stabalise that dream? That’s what happened to me… and that’s how I managed to induce my first lucid dream .
When you wake up, don’t curse (what I use to do…) and open you eyes. Stay perfectly still and keep your eyes shut. Think about the dream… in a couple of seconds the darkness will begein to swirl… then you’ll be ‘droped’ back into the same dream (maybe with a few changes) lucid .
Heck, I used it twice with the same dream… when the dream ended for the second time, I just repeated the method and continued the dream. I’d have done it a third time, if my little brother hadn’t been shouting…
Try it. I haven’t had chance to test it out a second time, so I’m interessted to find out if it works every time and for everyone.
Sureal, you hit it right on, I did’nt even have to time to do any of it, as soon as the thought of it maybe being a dream I woke up.LOL and just like sureal, I woke up pist off. so next time I’ll try that going right back to it. What sucks is getting so close one day, and like tonight, I can’t even recall 1 dream. which is really crappy considering that I have been recalling about 3 dreams every night. I’m wondering if I’m trying to hard. I’m not giving up yet though! it sounds like too much fun.
Yeah, I hate it when you just wake up strait away. Still, try my technique thingy, cos it helped me .
My DR has been dying lately too . I’m working on it coming back though. I can remember more then one dream a night again. But I can only remember parts from dreams in most cases. And I have trouble trying to figure out which fragments are part of the same dream.
Ok last night may have been my first lucid dream, but very, very low level lucid. I almost became lucid in one dream, woke up and did a sort off MILD. Next thing I know, I’m in a gas station, and there is a cop on the phone, and I feel like he is getting ready to arrest me. I realized right away that I was dreaming, so the cop is talking to me and to the person on the phone, and all I remeber telling him is I am dreaming, he tells me that I am not, and For some reason I tell him to ask the person on the phone a question to confirm to him that I am dreaming and then I woke up.
Like I said very low lucid, or fake lucid. but either way my mind is recognicing my dream state more now. We’ll see what happens next!