This morning I tried WBTB, but something strange happened. When I went back to bed, I put this trance binarual beat meditation on that goes for an hour. During this time I felt I was completely conscious, if a bit sort of scatterd thinking (like when you’re on the cusp between sleep and wake). After what felt like 20 mins the meditation stopped and I realised that I obviously had been asleep for some of that time but felt completey conscious. I then turned over and went back to sleep which was a bit tossing and turning, but again, 1.5hrs had gone past in what seemed like anytime at all. But I didn’t dream, or at least I didn’t notice that I dreamt. Any thoughts?
Well, it sounds like you were on the edge of sleep. So I’d say you were somewhat close. Keep trying.
I highly recommend you try this technique where you wake up without moving and relax(with little awareness), eventually you’ll fall back into your dream and be conscious in your dream. It’s a pretty good technique, much easier than trying to WILD.
Sounds like you are getting close, maybe try waking up a bit earlier? or not using a binuaral beat. that seems like it took up an hour for nothing. anyhow, i’ve never tried WBTB, i guess i should but my alarm clocks are tarded lol. Anyways, try to relax a bit more, sounds like you’re close from what i’ve experienced with WILD’s.