So last night i had a dream about lucid dreaming lol. I was rubbing my hands and spinning and stuff. However I had no idea i was dreaming. I woke up feeling pretty stupid. Am i getting closer to lucidity or just farther from it?
Well dreaming about lucidty is what i think a step closer, it means that you are really busy with the subject!
Amazingly, there are false lucid dreams too. But the fact that the idea is in your mind is a good sign, I think.
I had something sort of like this (i’ve never had a lucid dream that I remember, just recently started trying) where I was dreaming for only about 10 seconds, then in my dream I looked around for a second, then brought my hands to my face, and thats all I remember. I wasn’t in control and didn’t think to myself “this is a dream”, but I think i’m getting closer.
I think you’re closer than before. That is good that LDing is in your head at night.
Yea your pretty close. Just gotta remember to reality check and question reality next time
Omg it happened again. This time i was dreaming and i was like okay how do i get lucid. I look at my hands. I looked at my hands and they were all pixely, im like okay so im definitely dreaming, but i didn’t get lucid! I was still dreaming. So i rubbed my hands and thats all i remember. I woke up and again felt really frustrated. Help?
I’m pretty sure that counts as a LD! I’m still new so maybe I’m wrong, but if not congrats! It’ll just get better from here.
well, if you understood that you were dreaming, you were lucid. It’s simple as that Lucidity = knowing you’re dreaming. Dream control = “I’m dreaming… which means I can do anything I want!”
Dream Control doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be lucid, though - it’s certainly possible to feel like a almighty lord over everything without questioning it.
I had this, too.
I was talking about Lucid Dreaming with a friend and woke up feeling stupid I didn’t realize it was a dream.