am i hopeless?

ha! like i would quit! quiting isnt my style(obviously) :cool_laugh:

Very good alayambo thats the spirit!



and i also have a problem finding dreamsigns, as all my dreams are extremely different, detailed and believable. its like each dream is a different life, with memories and everything. and they are all in another place ive never been before, but it seems like ive been there all my life y’know?

I had a problem like that once. What I did was make the some of the common characteristics of the dreams dreamsigns. Sometimes I would have Deja Vu or False Memory in dreams. I made these dreamsigns, so like, whenever I have Deja Vu, I perform an RC. This way I’m not relying on people or places or anything as dreamsigns, which as you pointed out, can be hard to find due to the difference of each dream you have.

I had a problem like that once. What I did was make the some of the common characteristics of the dreams dreamsigns. Sometimes I would have Deja Vu or False Memory in dreams. I made these dreamsigns, so like, whenever I have Deja Vu, I perform an RC. This way I’m not relying on people or places or anything as dreamsigns, which as you pointed out, can be hard to find due to the difference of each dream you have.

perhaps you’re trying too hard, maybe just take it down a notch

yeah, ive heard that alot. ive tried not doing anything about lds for a month or so. maybe i should just do the more basic things like dream journal and rc’s? i welcome any suggestions :smile:

Yes do so, and stick with doing just that for a while, like a couple of months… If still not working, then move on to another tech/method.

My problem seems to be that my dream locations are too much like my real life. Most of the time I dream of my own house or other places that are very familiar.

I remember two dreams from last night and both of them took place at my house. In one, my sister came into the livingroom ( :huh: ) and asked me if I had seen the cigarette she left on the table. I knew that I had it, but something seemed strange. That night, before bed (in RL) I took a cigarette from her pack before I went to bed. When she asked me (in the dream) if I took the cigarette from the table I remember thinking to my self “I thought I took it from her pack”. Unfortunately I went along with it and didn’t become lucid.

In the other dream I was in my bathroom, looking into the mirror. I remember that my hair looked strange but didn’t think anything of it while I was dreaming. The whole dream was pretty much just me looking into the mirror. For the last minute or so I just stared into my own eyes. Again, no lucidity for me.