ive been trying to ld for over 2 years now and i havent even come close. my dream recall hasnt even gotten better. ive tried everything i have heard of, including doing absolutly nothing related to lds for a month. im still trying, but 2 years kinda wears down your confidence when it comes to lding (its probably that attitude thats my problem) if anyone has any techs or anything that i might not know about (not including drugs) id really like to know
Are you doing reality checks? If not, you should.
Are you well rested? Make sure you are.
Do you keep a dream journal? If not, I would start.
yes, yes, and yes
Well, then I recommend that you follow refer to your signature. You havent failed, you just have to find the one way that does work, thats all. It will come.
Maybe you could post the techniques you are doing, and I, or anyone else who reads them, can suggest some new ones you arent doing yet. That may help.
U will do better in future Alayambo…
because it could very well be u sleep to deep, the older u get the lighter u sleep…maybe just maybe this is to your advantage…i had my first ld when i was 19…so u got time on your side!
well, ive tried mild, wild, wbtb, ben7’s subliminal thing, ive done all the basics(dj, rc, etc), ive pretty much tried everything on this site except drugs and the novadreamer (which i really want to try) ive even tried mint tea
How about vitamin pills, they are good.
Also, about how many dreams do you write down a week, and how many RC’s do you do every day? And how exactly do you do your MILD’s and WBTB methods. I’m thinking maybe your falling asleep before you actually finish the technique. I do that sometimes, and then I dont become lucid.
Alayambo i thought of a special thing just 4 u to get your dream recall better!
Maybe u have tried this already…well then simply shoot me but aim wrong!
What u can do is this…
Set your alarm at for instance 6:00 in the morning…earlier then when u usual wake up…then when the alarm goes of write down what u were dreaming about…go back to sleep again and (set your alarm to the right waking time) in the morning write down again what u were dreaming about…
Ita a training so your conscious gets in better memory contact with your dreaming…
Try it!
will develop your dreamrecall over time…
thx jeff, ill try it tonight And josh, i do mild the same as on this site, the wbtb i sleep for 5 hours, awake for one hour, and sleep for the rest of the night. i write down all my dreams, and thats about 1 a day, and i do as many rcs as i can remember to do, so alot (my walls are covered with stickys that say “are you dreaming”)
what kind of vitamin pills?
Vitamin b complex Alayambo…especially vit b6!
cholinebitartrate might also work…but dont think vitamins will do miracles…it just aid a little.
Ok alayambo…try it 4 a week…hope your dream recall improves…
If nothing works we hire a hypnotist 4 u…
yeah, maybe the hypnotist could be my ahem Belated birthday present ill try those vitamins although id rather rely on psychological methods and not pills and stuff
Well I guess the only thing is to be patient, and have faith in yourself.
Wait, how about meditating to boost awareness, or maybe some self hypnosis. Give it a try and see.
MM your birthday?
When was that then? Well vitamin b complex is not so bad idea i use it always to 4 lding…and choline bitartrate helps a little to so u could try…
Why did u not get a birthday present???
Ok here is my birthday present symbol 4 u
And a hug!
Bye Alayambo…c u at the chat next time
check out my Suneye post
If you’re doing WBTB with MILD and still haven’t gotten lucid then there really is only one reason it isn’t working - a mental block. I used to be really doubtful that any techniques woud work but now that I’m not I can induce LD’s at will, and that’s after only 2 months.
You should give yourself a break, the more frustrated you get the harder it will become. Mental blocks are a real problem - does anybody have any more suggestions for dealing with them?
Kobrakkai a mental block is one of several reasons a person cant get lds with mild or with any other tech…
The thalamus is the brain part that is the bridge between the conscious and the subconscious and it depends on how the neurological network of the thalamus is developed how well u can be at lucid dreaming…its not only dedication and believing it is for a big part also your neurological network your born with…U c that when ppl do meditation to…u can read as many books u like, learn all techs but we wont be all zen masters or yogi…in fact if u pick a group of ppl u shall c u get a gauss curve…some ppl below average some average and some talented…even if they all know all tech and read good books about meditation…we will not be all in the same class… Not fair? hmmm i know, but thats just the way it is!
But most important…keep on trying, dont give up and have fun with what u do…
my birthday was nov.14. how long should this “break” be? i really wanna try that suneye method are you saying theres something wrong with my thalawhatever?
True - some people are naturally better than others but everybody should be able to have at least some LD’s. I used to think I was naturally awful at them but now I know that’s not true - you can’t really tell.
Yeah Kobrakai…but all ppl succeeding in lding is a bit optimistic i think…
Especially because those who dont succeed think then something is wrong with them witch is not the case…or they getr hope anytime they hear of a new tech…try it and then they lose their hope again.
Think its better to stimulate ppl to go 4 it but from there just c what happens and have fun trying.
No Lol Alayambo…i just said we are not all equiped with the same neurological base…like some ppl will never get under a hypnotic trance…how hard they try…and like i never will be a michel angelo or rembrandt when the topic is painting…
So it means that if u not succeed u are not to blame…we cant control everything…just give it your best and dont give up quick!