Am I just wierd?

I’ve never had sleep paralysis. Ever. I’ve had plenty of lucid dreams but I have never had sleep paralysis. Is this strange?

Same with me. Well i kinda had it once since i had a very short OOBE and when i moved i moved my astral body instead of moving my physical body so i suppose it was paralyzed.

You won’t get SP unless you try WILD all the time.
Even then it’s not certain you will get it.

So no, you are not weird.

Well, you only get SP when you WILD, or in rare cases wake up so fast that your body doesnt wake up :tongue:

So ye saying you’re a sleepwalker?

Humbug! Everyone has sleep paralysis: it’s part of how one falls asleep! But, sleep paralysis isn’t something you normally experience conscious; that’s to say: no, you’re not weird (at least not in that regard). Since you’re not one of 'em lucky natural hag attack subjects (search for Siiw’s posts on the topic; cool story, her and her brother’s), what you can do is try to induce it — which tends to be harder than inducing LDs, if anything because not only should you try to stay conscious, you need the good judgment of not fidgeting before you’re actually paralysed. Good luck with that! The three reocurring tips on the matter are: sleep on your back, practise WILD often… and when your body goes numb, that’s not it, so don’t even think about moving that arm!

trust me, if you didnt have SP you would be hospitalized right now. If you didnt have SP then you would act out your dreams, and very probably hurt yourself

I used to suffer from spontaneous sleep paralysis. Then I heard that it was an inevitable stage of WILD, which I did do a couple of times, but… didn’t get sleep paralysis in the stages before having a WILD. Or an OOBE, for that matter-- I never noticed if my body was paralyzed during an OOBE because I don’t concern myself with the body.

Maybe it’s not paralysis until we try to move and find that we can’t; if we don’t even try to fight being still, it’s just resting. :tongue: So if it’s just the body at rest, I don’t think that’s weird.

It’s possible to have conscious SP if you wake too soon from a LD, or you try some specific kind of WILD, or it is something you have, and it is recurring. So, it’s very possible to be a proficient lucid dreamer and never experience conscious SP.

You know I meant conscious SP. But It’s weird when I read all about other people getting it and I don’t :confused:

I’ve only really experienced it once or twice myself in my entire life, and these days WILD is my main method of becoming lucid. It varies for everyone, really.

I “wake up” most of the nights with SP. Even when I’m not trying WILD.
I don’t know what happens, I just feel the SP starting on my feet, and my mind wakes up… and I get paralised. This is actually the reason I came to this forum and started trying LD.