Ive been recording my dreams and ive been remembering at elast one dream every night sometimes i cant remember a dream for a few hours but later in the day something makes me rmemeber it, so my recall is pretty good.
I draw a C on my hand and everytime i see it i do RC’s so i end up doing a lot through out the day, hopeufll yi see this C in my dream.
Beore i go to sleep i recite “Next time i dream ill realize im dreaming” while visualizing me in a nice place and realizing im dreaming then i jus fall alseep. No LD’s yet. What else should i be doing.
You sound like you’re doing fine. Just make sure to keep up the determination and motivation. And realize LDing isnt as hard as people say it is Its actually really easy if you believe it is.
what freecube says, and more practice. I’ve found that it takes a LONG time sometimes for it to work. Just make sure you dont stress yourself out so much that you go insane.
The only thing I would add is that when you do your RC ‘s do them seriously. Take the time to consider the possibility that you are dreaming then prove you are not.
Good luck. It sounds like you are making good progress.
Just keep up the practice because it will happen for you so long as you stay with it.
Happy Dreaming
yeah, don’t just do the physically, put in the mantal effort too
Sounds like you’re off to a great start. Which method are you currently trying to use? MILD?
I guess im using MILD right now, before i go to sleep i just visualize and say my mantras then go to sleep. I have tried WBTB once but wen my alarm goes off i say ahh ***** It im to tired and go back to sleep, i gotta get up i guess.
Yes, for MILD it might be a good idea to wake yourself a little bit before returning to sleep when you use WBTB. Get up, use the bathroom, maybe read a chapter form a book about lucid dreaming, or a book that makes you think about dreaming. Just don’t stay up so long that you have a hard time getting back to sleep.
Also, WBTB is a great time to try WILD. In which case you would want to go right back to sleep using whatever WILD induction you want to try.
you said there that wbtb is a great time to try WILD and go right back to sleep. So if im intending to try WILD with wbtb do i still need to get out of bed and such or do i just wake up and just stay in bed and start WILD.
You can do it either way. My preference is to go right back to sleep. If I do not have to, I don’t even move. Experiment until you find what is best for you.
I’m actually not too sure about the C on your hand thing.
Suppose there is no C? heh
Just grab ya nose and breath I say, is yet to fail me.
ack, that one failed me once…and i was BREATHING…and there were two complete STRANGERS…in MY HOUSE
and i STILL didn’t know i was dreaming. i was in the balcony ready to jump out and fly